Chapter 1

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Kyle Adams

"One chicken sandwich and a soda, please.", I order standing in front of the counter of the cafeteria.

"Anything else?", the lady asks before handing me the change.

"Nothing more.". I reply and she hands me my wrapped sandwich and a can of soda, dismissing me with a small smile. Walking up to the secluded corner of the lunchroom, I drop my backpack on the bench settling down to finally get some food into my system. The sandwich wasn't the best food I tasted till now in this lifetime, but it is manageably okay. My eyes roam around the hall observing the clusters of hormonal teenagers, some shouting out of their lungs making up for the quite hours at class, some eating out the face of their partners and yet others having a normal lunchtime just chatting with their friends.

I continue my mindless observation and soon enough the sandwich vanish long lost in my stomach. There is still time before my fifth class starts, so I just sit quietly sipping my soda.

It is my third year here in Lockwood High. After my parents divorce, I shifted here in Alaska with my mother. It took me days to get used to the chilly weather here and also to the cold treatment that the school provided. But somehow I survived, and now here I am three years later, sitting in the lunchroom of the school that never really accepted me, with my head up but devoid of a single soul whom I can call a friend. Well it doesn't bother me much, since I am loner. So the point here is I am ranting with myself, mindlessly because I am bored.

"What the fuck?"

My mind snap out of my zone, eyes focusing in the direction from where the string of words left. Ryan is glaring at the girl in front of him. A tossed drink messing up the floor around which they are standing, and the red stain on his white shirt explain the mishap.

"Don't you have eyes? Where the hell were you walking towards?", he growl in his deep menacing voice, that can make anyone shit in their pants. Literally.

My eyes turn to identify the victim, who dared to cross paths with the devil, Ryan Connor.

The victim is apparently a small girl, with long dark curls. Ryan's figure towered over her petite self. I can't get her face as she is staring at the floor to avoid the deathly glare Ryan's shooting her. I search my brain for a name, but it gives me none, which means she probably is a new fish.

"Hey, Missy I am talking to you!" Ryan steps forward in her direction, making her take a step back.

There is pin drop silence in the whole hall. Everyone is eager to find the outcome of this ever so rare encounter with the school's bad boy. The silence breaks with the stuttered apology of the girl, as she shakily somehow find her own voice back.

"I I'm ss soo sorry.", her words barely a whisper, but the whole cafeteria can hear her speak.

"What?", Ryan ask again, even though everyone knows he heard the first time. Playing with the prey is all that's he is doing.

The girl raises her chin up making eye contact with Ryan and state the same words again, this time a little louder though," I am sorry. It won't happen again."

"It better not", you can hear his growl rumbling at the back of his throat as Ryan raise his tray of food dumping the contents on her. Without even a second glance he walks out of the hall, leaving everyone gasping.

The red yellow sauce drips off her hair, a messy combo of veggies and stuff on her head, and the clicks and laughter begins within moments. I am sure she is going to be the most famous girl in social media for a few days now.

I watch her run out of the hall just as the bell rings marking the end of the lunch period. I pack up my things dumping my soda in the trash can heading towards class with the rest of the students. But amazingly instead of heading to my chemistry class, I find myself walking towards the washroom area. I lazily pace in front of the closed doors, the halls getting emptier with students hurrying back to their class. After aimlessly shuffling in front of the washroom for I don't know how long, I take up my place on the floor leaning against the wall, waiting for the new girl from the cafeteria to get out.


So people this the first chapter. Hope you all like it. Click on the star and it will make my day. Thank you for reading....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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