"Ethan, stay with me tonight." she said, more like pleaded me and sat closer to me, pushing her entire body towards my own and I felt her body heat. I couldn't helped it but hugged her. If she wanted me to stay with her, I would. When she was in my arms, It just seems so right that she was the one to be born to fit in my arms. She placed her head on my shoulder and sniffled a little before curling up. She had fallen asleep. Poor Ellie, she cried so much that she was so tired, She deserved some rest. I should probably brought her dog, Betty in soon. So that Ellie could have some company if I wasn't around.

I carried her up in a bridal style and she stirred but didn't opened her eyes. She allowed me to carry her so I whispered into her ears that I promised I would stay. I placed her gently on her fluffy bed and covered her with the blankets. She looked like a peaceful baby. I was about to walk off to her side table to drag a chair and sat beside her when I felt someone grabbed my hand. I jumped a little because I thought she was already in deep sleep. "Ethan, stay." she said and I turned around. Her hands are still on my wrists and she was staring at me with those pair of eyes. But I am staying, I didn't said that I would leave her alone.

"I want to grab a chair. You sleep." I replied her gently and tried to pry her fingers off me but she didn't let go. She shook her head and gripped it harder and she was half sitting up. I stopped prying and looked at her. "Ethan, please?" Ellie's eyes are filled with tears again and I sighed. I gave in, I couldn't bear to see her getting hurt again. I am weak for her. I didn't want her to suffer.

"You want me to lay beside you?" I asked her, feeling kind of awkward because this was the first time a girl had asked me to sleep in the same bed as her. But I did not slept or invited anyone into my bed except Erica when I was young. She nodded and wiped her eyes. I sighed and sat down on her bed. I hoped I'm doing the correct thing. I like her, but.... Forget it. It's just one night. I would lie outside the mattress and she would be inside. So we are not committing any crimes.

As soon as I laid down, I felt her head against my chest. She had positioned herself directly on my heart and I wondered if she could heard my fast beating heart. I hand hugged her and she looked up while I looked down with our faces inches apart. She looks so beautiful that I was afraid I would break her. Her eyes wet and shining with tears, her cheeks so soft and red. Her pink and soft lips craving and wanting something. She was just so kissable and I wanted to feel those lips. It was those intense stare that we had and she didn't blinked away from me.

"Thanks Ethan." Ellie said and pressed her lips on mine, longer than I expected. I was stunned as I didn't expect it. I couldn't react to it because it caught me off guard. I felt fireworks exploding and sparks fly. Just a kiss on the lips in the moonlight, just a touch fire burning so bright. (Okay, a little drama but I am serious.) it was like she was the girl I was looking for my entire life. It felt like she was the one waiting for me just like I was the one waiting for her. It felt like soul mates.

That instant, it clicked in my head like a puzzle and I realize that I love her. I love her so deeply. Without her, my life was nothing. She was on my mind constantly ever since the day I knocked onto her in the school corridor. She was the girl I wanted and not because of her status but because of her personality. It was like she waltz into my mind and decided to stay put. She might have felt the same if not she wouldn't have..... Suddenly, she sat up and covered her face. I sat up, feeling surprised and I placed a hand on her shoulders. Did she regret it?

"I'm sorry, Ethan. I should not have kiss you. It's just that... I....." she said and she looked into my eyes. Those intense feelings that she wanted to bore into me was something that I had prepared to catch. Whatever she wanted to spill, I promised that I would not let her go. Not now and not in the future. I want to hear what she would say, I felt like I knew what was about to leave her mouth but I wanted her to say it. Maybe if she said it, I would say it to her too.

Sensing that she doesn't want to continue, I said "Ellie, it's not your fault." I did what my mind was urging me to do. I pulled her into a kiss, like just a slight touch on our lips. Once again, her lips touches mine and she didn't resist. She closed her eyes while I closed mine and I deepen the kiss but she pushed me away. Damn. that kiss was good, why did she stopped it. "Oh.My.Gosh! What have I done? Your parents might disown you." tears flowed again and she was shaking. I didn't understood what she was talking about. I frown. Oh. She was referring to Queen Nina.

"Ellie, my parents wouldn't disown me cause of a kiss. Besides, my mum love you." I said, trying not to confuse myself with her feelings and my own. I tried to say it in a way that she wouldn't felt like she wasn't love. Or that she wasn't welcomed. The last thing I wanted was for Ellie to leave me. She shook her head. "That's how my biological father got disown, he got Queen Nina pregnant and the baby was me." Ellie said and she turned away from me, as though she was ashamed. Ashamed that she was someone born because of the mistakes her parents made. As though it was her fault that she was born.

"Ellie, look at me." she didn't turned. "Ellie!" I tried again and she did face me this time but her eyes reflected sadness. "We're fully clothed and we're not doing anything we shouldn't be doing. Don't worry too much." I said in a matter of fact tone. But it was true. We did nothing except to share 2 kisses and it was magical. Her expression changed from seriousness to relax and I smiled. For the first time since she cried, she let out a small smile which lit up her tired face and she looked like an angel. So angelic and beautiful, even her smile could melt a frozen heart.

"I love you Ethan." she said and planted her soft lips on mine before pulling the blankets to cover herself. I was too stunned to say anything but I knew that I have to say the 3 words to her too. Because I love her too.

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