He got cut off by Naomi who chuckled a bit at his statement, he playfully glared at her before continuing.

"I never really cared for a person like this, and I don't know how you managed to find a place in my heart this quick but you did. And I know that we aren't exactly perfect." Peter told her, his thumb still lightly grazing over her cheek.

"That's an understatement." Naomi interrupted him with a sarcastic mumble.

He chuckled softly and looked at her again, "But I'm willing to try, are you?"

"You're telling me that you are absolutely sure about this?" Naomi asked him carefully as she raised an eyebrow, "You are sure about being with me, even after everything I just told you?"

"I am absolutely sure." He said seriously.

Naomi smiled as she grabbed the back of his neck. "Then I am as well." She said and kissed him again.


A small ray of sunshine managed to fight its way into the tree house, waking one of the people that was asleep in the bed.

Naomi yawned as she rubbed her eyes, placing one of her hands in front of her face so that she would not be blinded by the sun. It was early in the morning, which meant that the Lost Boys would be up soon.

She sighed when she realized that she couldn't keep the sun away with just her hand and simply turned around in Peter's embrace, smiling as she came face to face with the still sleeping boy. She realized something when she was admiring the boy, this was the first time she had seen him truly at peace.

Naomi sighed softly before leaning towards him and pressing a caring kiss on his cheek. She chuckled when he mumbled some words before pulling her closer. He stayed asleep nonetheless.

She knew that she had to get up, but she also knew that it would be incredibly difficult to escape Peter's death grip on her. Luckily, she no longer had to hide her magic and could easily teleport herself out of his grasp.

Naomi noticed the small frown on his forehead, he seemed to realize that she was gone and she quickly handed him a pillow. He stopped turning in his bed and pulled the pillow she previously laid down on closer to his chest.

She sighed in relief when she noticed that she had made it out of his grasp without waking him and threw a hand through her hair as she looked around the room.

They didn't do much last night, just kissed for a couple of minutes and then they went to sleep. Peter however did insist on her wearing his shirt to sleep, so she simply agreed and went to sleep.

Naomi looked around the room for a pair of clothes she could wear for the day, making them appear with her magic when she couldn't find any. She quickly put them on and smiled admiringly at his sleeping form again, she went to walk out of the tree house put stopped herself.

She didn't want to worry him, so she quickly wrote a note saying that she was outside and then walked out of the tree house.

There was a very glum and sad atmosphere around the camp, which immediately made Naomi frown as she climbed down from the ladder without making a sound. She noticed the sad expressions of the Lost Boys that were already awake, some were walking with their heads down as well.

"Why is everybody so down?" She called out, immediately earning all of the attention of the boys.

Their heads snapped towards her as they all yelled, "Naomi!"

The first boy who went to hug her was the seven year old, Mason, who was the smallest one and couldn't get farther than her legs. "Oh." Naomi said in shock as other boys joined in as well.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora