Chapter 4

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Becki's POV

I was so glad it was finally the weekend. I'd wanted to hang out with Max, but he already had plans with his friend Tom. I'd met Tom once; he seemed really nice. I could see how him and Max got along so well. They were so crazy when they hung out together.
It was about 1:00 pm, and I had nothing to do. I thought about texting my friend Lily, but she went to a different school now and we didn't talk much anymore. I figured it would be awkward, so I decided not to. So, I threw on a beanie and my peacoat and decided to take a walk.
Surprisingly, it was kind of nice out today. Usually it was dark, cloudy, cold, and windy, but today it was sunny and a bit warmer. Not warm enough to not have to wear a coat, but still warm compared to the weather we'd been having.
I walked on a bit longer as the sun disappeared behind the clouds, making it chillier. I shivered and put my hands in my pockets as I picked up the pace a little.
"Becki?" I suddenly heard a deep voice behind me, making me gasp and jump. I spun around and came face-to-face with Nathan. I didn't know he lived around here.
"Nathan, hi," I said as he walked beside me. "I didn't know you lived in this area."
"I didn't know you did either," he said with a smile.
"Ugh, I wish the sunshine hadn't gone away," I muttered, pulling my beanie further over my head as the wind picked up. "Now it's freezing."
"I have to disagree," he said. "I like the weather better like this."
I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "You LIKE this weather? The sun never shines! It's so depressing!"
He laughed and put his hands in his jacket pockets. "It's not depressing," he said. "I like it."
I decided not to question him about it any more as we kept walking. A few minutes passed, so I decided to glance up at him. He wasn't the tallest guy, but he was taller than me, which was good. He took his right hand out of his pocket to mess with his hair, which is when I spotted a small sun tattoo on his wrist.
"Hey, I didn't know you had a tattoo," I said, taking his wrist and pulling it toward me. I was shocked at how cold his skin was. "It's a little sun. I like it."
"Oh, thank you," he said with a smile. "It... it was kind of an impulse tattoo. Doesn't really mean anything."
I giggled as I let go of his wrist. "Well, I still like it. It looks nice."
He smiled again, only this time, showing his perfectly white, straight teeth. "Thanks, love."
Wow... he was kind of perfect.
"You're welcome," I said shyly, looking at the ground as we walked on.
"So where's Max? I figured you'd be hanging out with him," he said suddenly.
"Oh, he's hanging out with his friend Tom this weekend," I replied.
"Well that was nice of him to leave you," he said sarcastically.
"Yeah, it's alright though. I'm hanging out with you," I said slowly, smiling up at him.
He smiled back. "You enjoy my company, eh?"
"Well, yeah... I do," I said quietly, feeling myself blush.
"Well thank you. I enjoy yours, too."
"Oh, thanks," I said quietly, smiling at the ground.
"But your friend Max doesn't seem very fond of me," he went on. "He seems like he doesn't want you to be friends with me."
"I know," I said. "He's never been the jealous type, really. I don't know what's gotten into him. But he'll get over it."
Nathan laughed a little. "Yeah, hopefully."
A few minutes passed by in silence. We just walked beside each other, our hands in our pockets.
So, I decided to make a move.
I slowly took my right hand out of my pocket, grabbed his wrist, and lifted his hand out of his pocket, slowly intertwining my fingers with his. I squeezed his cold hand and stared at the ground again.
I expected him to smile down at me or say something, but instead, he stopped walking, ripped his hand away from mine, and turned away, breathing heavily.
"Nathan?" I said slowly, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?"
He shrugged my hand away and stepped forward a little, clenching his fists. I felt myself begin to shake. What was happening to him?
"Nathan," I said again, backing away a little. "What's wrong? Did I do something?"
"I... I'm sorry, I have to go," he said quickly without turning around.
"But Nathan -"
"I'll see you later, Becki," he said quietly, walking off at a fast pace.
I sighed and put my hands back in my pockets as I headed home. I guess I shouldn't have held his hand. It obviously freaked him out. Maybe he was the awkward type; maybe he wasn't used to a girl holding his hand.
But he had ripped his hand away from mine as if he were angry. Was he dating someone already?
But if that was the case, why had he walked so close to me?
As soon as I got home, I made myself a cuppa and curled up in a blanket on the couch. I put in my favorite film and soon dozed off.

Nathan's POV

Ok. That was bad. Like, very bad. She could've discovered I was a vampire right there if I hadn't stormed off.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed holding her hand. But her touch made my emotions go wild. When she took my wrist to look at my tattoo; that's when it started. But when she actually held my hand... it was too much. Her hand was so warm. I could almost feel the blood pumping through her veins. The scent of it became stronger and stronger with each passing second. I felt my fangs come out, and I knew my eyes had changed, too. That's when I ripped my hand away and turned around. I was going to try to calm myself down so I could keep walking with her, but that wasn't going to happen. I had to get away as soon as possible before I drained her body of every last drop of blood.
So here I was, sitting in my old abandoned house. Alone. Finally managed to calm down. But I didn't want to take any more risks. And if I showed up at her house, she would wonder how I knew where she lived and probably be creeped out.
The life of a vampire was a lonely one at times. I wished I could control myself around her. I'd never felt that way around a girl before.
I would do anything to be a human again. Life was so easy back then.
I then glanced down at my tattoo. It was still a small, black sun. I wondered if Becki would end up being my true love, or if I should try to forget her.
But I knew there was no way that was going to happen. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.
I would do whatever it took to be with her.

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