I'm Not The One (Part 2)

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An: Hello everyone, I'm coming out with a part two on request by LifeInsideAPineapple. Please read and enjoy. Please comment if I have made any mistakes or you just want to comment on whatever. Anyway, on to the story!

Your happily ever after was still happy but it was taking time to fix both of your mistakes. Your story may have started out sad but this will be your happy ending, you've been through the fear, sadness, and pain. Now you will go through the happiness and love with your two demon's that are bound to you until you reach the end. So this is where happiness begins and hardships are forgotten and fixed, this is where your heart will be reshaped and fixed by a certain demon lover of yours. This will be a long story so bear with me here, no more spoiling the work ahead, I'll let you read and find out how it all happens.

Drink The Poison Lightly

You are now sitting on your bed as Sebastian stood in front of you cleaning up the room a little. "Please Sebby! Just show me! I wanna see!" You begged as he shook his head causing you to let out an annoyed groan and fall back onto the bed he had just finished making a few minutes prior. At the moment you were trying to convince your demonic boyfriend to let you see his 'True Form' as Ciel had put it earlier that day. "Why the hell are you so fascinated by it? Honestly, I look like a hideous monster in my true form. Besides which, when we first met I was in my true form and can you please not flop on the bed, I just finished making it." Sebastian sighed and looked at you, completely upset with the idea of you being obsessed with his true form. He didn't want to show you and the fact that Ciel of all people would bring it up, annoyed the heaven out of him.

You let out a sigh still on the bed before frowning and looking at him with pleading eyes, you knew he couldn't resist those eyes. "I don't want to order you to show me but I really want to see, Ciel got to see so why can't I?" At your question Sebastian frowned and gently sat on the opposite end of the bed looking at your pouting form. "Love, if I show you then I fear you'll be afraid of me." Sebastian looked away as you rolled onto your belly and crawled towards him. "No way would I ever be afraid of you, I've seen horror movies that deal with demon's, I fell in love with my demon, and Ciel said you're not that scary either." You placed your hand on top of his before smiling and kissing his cheek. "So please can I see?" Sebastian sighed and nodded slowly, looking at you as a smile crept into your face.

"Fine, I will show you but as soon as I see fear in your eyes I am stopping and reverting back to my human form." Sebastian slowly stood up as you nodded and moved to sit criss cross applesauce on the bed, giving him your undivided attention. Your (e/c) eyes widened in awe as Sebastian slowly shifted into his true form, his demonic pink eyes that looked like flames stared into your (e/c) eyes. You slowly scooted closer to him, analyzing his hooker heels with a smile as you remembered the first time you met before glancing at his hands. Your (e/c) gaze landed on his face and you realized you were standing before him, your (small, average, tall) figure now much smaller compared to his now taller self. You slowly reached your hand up to cup his cheek, eyes locked with him as your warm hand gently touched the rougher and cold skin making him flinch away.

'Cause There Are Deeper And Darker Things Than You

"Please don't touch me (y/n), I'm hideous." Sebastian pulled away and looked at you with slightly wide eyes as you smiled more. "Sebastian, you're beautiful." Your voice trailed off as you stared at him and took a step forward making him stiffened slightly. "Pardon?" Sebastian was more than confused at your statement, let alone the fact you weren't cowering in fear by now but smiling and wanting to touch him. "You're beautiful, in this form or your other. You'll always be my demon and my love." As you spoke these words he slowly shifted back to the form you had known since day one, his red-brown eyes were glossy as he smiled. "I've never been told that before, thank you (y/n)." He gently engulfed you in a hug as a sigh of relief and sorrow flew past his pink lips and across your neck, sending a shiver down your spine as you hugged back.

Sebastian x Modern Suicidal Reader One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now