Chapter 2

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And there they were. The engagement date decided two weeks after their first encounter. Yesterday, they both exchanged the engagement rings, but because of age factor they decided to save the rings. Daiki was living with them in Yamada's household. He got a room beside Ryosuke's room. All the family accepted him except for Ryosuke. Their conversation was only one direction, and it's only Ryosuke ordered him around. The other family members who knew this began to feel worry, but when they talked to Daiki, he just reassured them that he willingly to do this. They also couldn't stop Ryosuke to end his relationship with Chinen. So when Ryosuke was going out with Chinen, Kyoko always accompany him and dragged him to go out with her to shop or eat outside. She felt sorry for her brother behavior. She really loved Daiki as his cute little brother since her own brother was so stoic and cold. She secretly hoped with Daiki's presence in their house could change his brother a little.

It's not like he wanted Ryosuke to accept him as his mate that he became his slave. He didn't have a choice, this was his way to thank him for letting him stay in this house. Daiki hated to be in debt. This family was so kind enough to let him stay, he was really grateful. So when Ryosuke asked one condition, he agreed him.

All the eyes were focused on him. The noisy class became quiet when he entered. Of course they were, because Daiki now entered the 2nd grade classroom where Ryosuke studied. He squirmed in discomfort while grabbing Ryosuke's bag. He walked fast to where Ryosuke always sat on the 2nd row from the front near the window. He put Ryosuke's bag on that seat and was about to leave when some guys surround him. One of them was Ryosuke's boyfriend, Chinen.

"You, you are that nerdy Arioka right? Why you have Ryochan's bag? Where is he?" Chinen squinted his eyes at the scared boy, his voice indicated a hatred and jealousy toward him.

"I-I just been told to bring h-his bag to his seat" Daiki stuttered, feeling intimidated by the slightly shorter boy in front of him.

"By Ryochan?"


"Come on guys, there's no need to bully him, he's just being ordered by Yamachan" the beautiful Kawaguchi Haruna spoke while fixing her bangs, didn't leave her sight at the mirror. She was one of the kind who ignored all the bullying, she just didn't care, the same kind like Ryosuke.

"But that's the problem, Harunachan. Why Ryochan ordered this ugly to bring his bag huh? What is your relationship with Ryochan??" Chinen pestered him.

"He's just my slave"

A familiar voice interrupted them. When Daiki turned his gaze, he found that Ryosuke was walking to their place with Yuto. Chinen changed his scary face to a pout, he clung to Ryosuke. Haruna who already fed-up by Chinen's behavior rolled her eyes.

"Ryochan~ is it true? He's your slave? Why?" Chinen sat on Ryosuke's laps when he took a seat. Daiki widened his eyes a little, he surprised by how bold they were in public.

"Yeah, err just feel like it. I don't need to spend my energy or time doing unnecessary things, I can order him around." He said with stoic expression, didn't notice a sad look on Daiki's face.

Haruna chuckled a little, "You are just lazy"

Ryosuke threw a glare at her which responded by a shrugged. His gaze fell to the quiet Daiki who still stood beside him.

"You can leave now" he ordered Daiki. The latter nodded, then moved his feet to leave. For he didn't realize, Chinen stretched out his legs in front of him. He stumbled forward to the ground.


"Hahhaha" some peoples laughed at him. Daiki already familiar with this kind of bullying.

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