chapter three- juliet

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Dedicated to @RoroMohamed7! Thank you for spamming me with votes! 

Not edited.

"Hello, welcome to Coco's Cupcakes, what can I get ya?" I attempted to sound more ebullient, but I'm so exhausted from staying up till 5 am last night doing an AP English report, doing a 2-page sided AP Biology homework, and I also did my AP Calculus homework due a few days from now to have less homework. Apparently that can wait, but catching up on my sleep can't. 

The customer I'm serving, is a middle aged lady, who looks like the type of person that will call the manager on you if you tell her that you ran out of that flavor. I'm serious. She has that incredibly short bob haircut with badly dyed streaks, and stained yellow teeth. I'm not making fun of her appearance, because that's beyond shallow and rude, but she hasn't been exactly polite to me either.

"Ok, yeah, I want the classic red-velvet one---a large one with extra toppings on it, and I want a chocolate chip-flavored one---make that two---and what else..." 

After her endless requests and bipolarity of "I want it in large, oh wait, never mind, I want it in medium---wait, no, never mind I'm not getting it anymore, it's too expensive!", I was way beyond relieved as soon as I gave her the cupcakes she ordered and especially when she finally walked out of the store. 

After school, I work at this small bakery a couple blocks from school owned by the cutest couple  ever, John and Mary. They've been running this bakery since the 70's, and it's the best cupcake you'll ever have. Yes, they're old, more like they're in their late 80's, but they're not your typical grumpy grandparents. They're full of energy(John can still cha-cha like a pro) and they're the nicest people you'll ever meet. John and Mary, as far as I remember, were more of a parent to me than my real parents ever were. 

Growing up, our parents were always away, so I've grown up distant to them. My dad is a pilot at Ayasha Airlines and my mom is a flight attendant so they work together. That's how they met, they work in the same airline. After 8 years of being together, Mom got pregnant and to her dismay, she was going to have twins instead of expecting just one child. Sometimes, I don't even know whether my parents got married for our sake or whether they really love each other. I've never really seen my Dad be affectionate towards my Mom, but I can tell that my Mom loves my Dad so much and that she'll do anything for him. Although I'm distant from both of them, I think I love Mom more than my Dad because it takes a lot of courage to stay in an unrequited love. If there comes a time where they will be forced to divorce, I'm choosing Mom over Dad, because she only stayed with him for us. 

Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that I don't love my father. I love my dad, but we've never bonded and he's often gone. I don't recall anything from my childhood that involves making cute memories with my father like going to parks or taking me to my basketball games and being there to be my cheerleader. My dad never bothers to make time for us. It's like he's married to his work. Despite it, I don't want to complain too much because, without him, we wouldn't have what we have. Thank God that he has a good career because Jess and I grew up with silver spoons in our mouth and we never really had to beg to get something. Our parents always gave us what we wanted, and I'm glad for that. 

I guess the reason why I'm here, working in an old, meager bakery is because I want to start being independent and know the real value of money. 

With a happy sigh, I sat down on one of the tables, and pulled out my laptop along with my assignments from my old Michael Kors bag, hoping that the store will quiet and not busy until my shift is over. Well, it's not like Coco's Cupcakes is ever not busy, like what I've mentioned, it's one of the finest and most delicious pastries that Seattle has. Oh during summer, the store is always cramped from tourists wanting to taste the famous Coco Cupcake. However, I don't work during the summer; I spend my summer in Paris with my aunt with a first class ticket. See what I mean with being born with silver spoon in my mouth? 

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