[ one ]

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So today I didn't eat anything because I wasn't hungry, so then when I went to take a shower, I began to feel nauseous and sick.

It was horrid.

Then my sis and her bf invited me to go buy some food at Carl's Jr and I went. I got myself a cheeburger and small fries. But I only ate a few fries and picked at my burger before I began feeling sick again.

And, like, my sister and her bf said, "You didn't even eat anything."

Hearing her say that made me happy for some reason. Cause she's the thin one, the pretty one in the family and she ate her burger and fries and I didn't.


Why do eating disorders exist?

Anyway, please enjoy the new chapter for this story. 





"Time to get up! We're traveling to London today, dear." An obnoxiously loud woman practically shouted in my ear.

I groaned.

No one told me we were going to London anytime soon. The boys and I were promised a couple of days vacation after filming for our new music video non-stop. My mind ha already been set and ready for rest.

"Piss off, I'm on vacation..." I muttered angrily to the strange woman, pulling the warmth of the covers tighter around myself.

But my eyes shot open when I heard the sound of my voice.

It wasn't my normally deep Australian accented voice. No, this was a high pitched whiny girl voice. A voice I knew, but detested. The woman standing before me had dirty blonde colored hair styled into a pixie cut and she brought her hands to her hips as a symbol of showing she was rather annoyed at me after what I said. "Apple Rose McCartney, don't talk to your mother that way and get out of bed this instant. We're going to miss our flight."

My heart dropped.

My stomach churned.

And I could feel the color leave my face.

Suddenly, I brought my hands up to feel my face. It had a girly roundness and felt not at all like what I was used to feeling. My oddly soft hands then went to search for my short blonde hair, but instead came into contact with long strands of dirty blonde hair that matched the hair color of the woman standing in front of me.

My hands trembled as I took it all in.

"It can't be..." I uttered slowly, in a low whisper.

"What are you blabbering about, Apple Rose?" The woman asked, her eyebrows raised in curiousity and annoyance.

I looked up at her, our eyes meeting for the very first time. I whispered, "May I please have a few minutes alone, Mrs. McCa- I mean, mum. I want to get ready now."

She rolled her eyes. "Why on earth are you talking like that? Hanging around those Aussie boys for  too long must have fried your brain. You caught their accent." She said, referring to the way I was speaking.

I said nothing more and only watched her as she left my room.

Once she was gone, I raced out of bed to the nearest mirror, which was a pink full length that hung on the door. Just as I suspected and feared, my appearance was that of a seventeen year old Victoria's secret model. A girl that the boys and I had met a few weeks back, a girl we knew as Apple Rose McCartney. 

I breathed heavily as I studied myself.

"If I'm here, in Apple Rose's body, then who's in mine...?"





Apple Rose

"Wake up, mate. The boys want to go out." A teenage male voice shook me awake.

I swatted his hands away, muttering. "Fuck off, Jimmy." Assuming it was my nineteen year old brother, since he was the only male in our household.

He chuckled, scoffing at me, "Who's Jimmy?"

"Your face is Jimmy. Go away! I'm sleepy." I murmured a lame reply.

That's when I noticed something was off.

Normally Jimmy would come in and wake me by yanking the covers away or by screaming in my ear, like any annoying older brother would. This boys's voice sounded more friendly and in a different accent than the normal American version of the language I was used to hearing. Suddenly, the most important part hit me.

My voice was different. I sounded...

like a teenage boy.

I opened my eyes wide in shock and turned in my bed to see Calum Hood sitting there with an amused grin on his face. I jumped back in fear and ended up falling off the bed with a loud thud.

My eyes scanned the surroundings and nothing seemed familiar to me. It wasn't my bedroom with pink walls, pink accessories and princess styled bed. My bulletin board with all the pictures of my friends and I was gone, there was a window in its place and sunlight entered in bright rays, indicating it was day time.

"What's wrong with you?" The teenager asked me, eyeing me suspiciously.

With fear still present in my eyes, I told him, "Uh, nothing. Calum, would you please go check on the other boys or something? I'm going to get ready."

He nodded, still watching me suspiciously. He got up from his spot on the bed where he had been sitting and walked out of the room.

The instant the door shut behind him, I hurried to the nearest mirror to confirm what I was thinking. I went into the bathroom and nearly fainted when I saw my reflection. I was no longer Apple Rose McCartney, the supermodel. I was Luke Hemmings, lead  singer from the band 5 Seconds of Summer.

When it finally completely sunk in, I let out a deep voiced scream.

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