Relax when you have the chance

Start from the beginning

I got closer and closer to where the noise was coming from and with every passing second I was filled with regret. I finally got to where the noise came from and saw a human shadow. I picked up a rock and chucked it. It hit the shadow "Ow" I recognized the voice. "Duncan?" He came into view. "He..Hey Clover." I could see where the rock hit him. "Man I must've got you pretty hard huh?" He felt his forehead and looked at the blood that was now on his fingers. "Heh- yea guess so. But anyway, why are you out here?" "I started to take a walk and got a bit-" "Lost?" He smirked. "No, I didn't get lost." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Ok maybe I did get a little lost." He laughed. "You missed dinner." I looked at my watch and realized that it was almost 10pm. "Holy crap, I really did get lost!" I looked around and realized that either Duncan was really creepy and followed me or he knew another way. "Wait- How did you get here though?" He hesitated, "Did you follow me?! You creep!!!" He started to walk away, "Wait! Don't walk away from me!" He kept walking. I chased after him and followed him in silence. We ended up at the hill that the first challenge was on, "What are we doing here?" "You'll see." He said with a smirk.

We walked up to the top of the hill. I looked at him as he kept walking towards the end of the cliff. "Duncan! What's going on?" He turned and looked at me, "Look Clover, I wanted to talk to you about the cave." I looked at him with crossed arms. "So you brought me out here acting all depressed just to talk about that stupid cave?!?!" "Lower your voice people can hear us!" I looked at him and sighed heavily. "Fine. What is it?" "Have you been up there lately?" "No I haven't. I don't have a map" We stood there in silence for a while. "Do you want to explore it tonight?" I looked at him then at the sunset, I sighed. "Fine. What time?" "I'll let you know." I nodded with acceptance and he left. I watched as he walked down the hill, "Why does he do that? Why does he act like he's all serious about something then when he tells you it's not?"

I decided I wanted to go to the confessional. I walked down the hill and to the confessional. I went to walk into it when I heard someone talking, I ran around to the other side of the confessional and I looked out. I couldn't see anyone so I peeked inside the outhouse,(which is where the confessional was) I couldn't see who it was but I could vaguely recognize the voice. I walked around and waited for them to leave. I didn't get a good look when they left because they ran out of it. I stepped into the confessional and looked around for a clue. "Hmm, whatever. So obviously you guys know about this stupid cave that Duncan wants to explore but, I'm pretty sure that he's the one who put those cave drawings there. I mean, how ironic is it that he found it and that he didn't get caught. But when I went with him we almost got caught? That's not a normal thing I mean c'mon. You can't believe his story right? It's a total lie. Anyway, I have a plan to figure out who it is. Before we leave tonight I'm going to sneak into his cabin and find the map, then go set up a hidden camera and record not only tonight but the rest of the week, to see who or what keeps going in there. Then I'll review the tape. Or I'll just hook it up to my phone so I'll get a notice everytime the motion sensor goes off. Good plan huh? Yea thought so."

I left the confessional and started to think about the plan. "Only question is, how do I get the map without him catching me?" Then I noticed Owen. "Hey Owen!" When he turned around he had leftover dinner stuffed in his face. "Hey Clover!"

"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Yea whats up?"

"Well, I need to distract Duncan for a couple hours. You think you can do it?"

"What for?"

"I-uh- I have a surprise for him, but he's always stalking me. And if he finds out it'll ruin the surprise."

He thought about it for a minute.

"Think you can do it?"

"Yea sure! But how?"

"Hmm. Just show him something but keep him out of the woods and the cabin at all cost!"

"Out of the woods and cabin. Got it!"

"Thanks Owen."

"Step 1- Distract Duncan..check! Now step 2- Get the map!" I walked over to the guys' cabin and looked inside. No one was in there, good, now to find the map without leaving a trace. "Clover? What're you doing?" I turned around and saw Gwen and Bridgette. "I have to get something back from Duncan. Keep watch." I walked in quietly just in case someone was in there that I didn't see. I walked over to Duncan's bunk, and started to look around his stuff. "Hey Duncan! Where ya going?" I turned around super quick. "Shit! I need to hide!!" I looked around and then quickly slid under the bed. I layed there as silent as I could be, holding my breath everytime he walked by me. He stopped right in front of where I was hiding, he looked around and then left.

I waited for another minute or two then got out from under the bed. He didn't put anything back and it didn't look like he took anything but, I wasn't fully sure. I quickly looked around for the map again. I finally found it and left the cabin. "That was a close one" Gwen looked at me and Bridgette punched my arm. I looked up at them "what? It's not like I got caught or anything right?" They looked out towards where Duncan walked off to and then looked back at me. Bridgette spoke up "Clover you are an idiot!! Do you know what would've happened if you got caught?!?!"

"Keep your voice down! Do you know what'll happen if I get caught now?!?!"

"What did you have to get anyway?"

"He stole one of the pages in my notebook and I needed it back so I could finish my song."

"Well next time, just ask him"

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I went into my cabin and got into my suitcase. I looked around for my photography stuff. "Ok step two is complete. Now to set up the camera." I walked out of the cabin with my camera and  headed towards the woods. I followed the map until I found the cave. "I better hurry up before Duncan realizes it's gone." I found the nearest tree to the cave and set up my camera. I got it hooked up to my phone and I tested it. "Ok, check one two." The sound was kind've off so I fixed it. "Ok, check one two. Great now the video's off" I readjusted the camera and sound about 20 times before I got it right. "Ok. Now lets go." I ran back to the camp and slipped the map back into Duncan's bag.

I walked to my cabin and found a note. "Clover, meet me at the table at 12. Don't be late and make no noise. -D" I rolled my eyes and went to take a nap.

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