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Third person perspective

Jin and namjoon were headed out on their third date. The rest of bangtan were sitting in the living room. As they left the door Taehyung unintentionally started a gossip ring.

Taehyung. Who would have guessed jin and namjoon would start dating?

Jimin, jungkook. I wouldn't

J-hope. I didn't but im glad they're happy with each other.

Yoongi. I could tell, namjoon acted diffrently around jin than anyone else. It was only slight but it was still there

Jimin. I hope people aren't too judging if they find out.

J-hope. Im sure our fans would be fine with it they are very loving and understanding.

Yoongi. Yea, but you have to worry about the common person they might avoid them or our group out of spite for homosexuals.

Taehyung. I hope everyone will be okay with it I'd hate to see jin and namjoon sad.

Jimin. Im sure our fans will be okay with it."smirks" I've seen alot of people who ship namjin, they even make fanfiction.

Jungkook. Do you guys think they've done it yet?

J-hope. Hey! Junkook thats innapropriate, besides i havent seen jin limping yet so im sure they haven't.

Yoongi. Your one to talk j-hope, you two need to mind your own business.

With that the ring broke, and everyone went back to what they were doing before. Junkook and v were playing video games together, j-hope and jimin were on their phones, and suga was laying down watching tv.

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