A simper betwixt Ubbe's blond bearded lips. Gazing up at Eleri's slate eyes the man let his body go limp. Giving into her win to see Eleri lower her guard. Throwing out his right arm, Ubbe succeeded in confounding the woman's balance. Swooping in with his left arm slung around her shoulder's, Ubbe took the courtesy upon himself to flip Eleri off of him onto the damp sod beside him. A simple stroke of his left arm hefted the man's body weight to follow on top of her. Bringing his face close while Ubbe affixed himself above her. Wise to her moves to come out on top.

The grin never ceased. Between either of them they looked on at one another with smirks pulling on their rosy lips, "A draw." Ubbe murmured to her with a smile.

"Fight me for the axe." Eleri lunged up like a snapping turtle, biting his beard smirking.

"The axe for my answers," Ubbe bartered, bearing his teeth down at her playfully.

"Spar me for the axe, riddle me for the questions," Eleri stirred under him. Using not even half the urge to pin her down Ubbe still allotted Eleri's arm to move. Bringing them up she felt the simper fade from her lips the closer her fingertips came to his pale cheek.

Drizzling from his own smiling expression, Ubbe watched fixed on Eleri as her calloused hand came up and grazed his bushy cheek. Sensible of it Ubbe became aware of his torso leaning down slowly to hers. Not even actualizing that what he sought out was the steady stare he held on the Varagain's lips inches away from his.

Abruptly Eleri thrusted her arms out. Ramming her palms into his chest Eleri unsettled his balance and Ubbe snapped out of his daze while he rolled off of the female. Clearing her throat Eleri lurched forward and sprung up to her feet. Padding and brushing off what wet leaves and grass stuck to her. Ubbe stuck on his bum, stumped over what had transpired.

"Where were you taking me anyways viking?" Eleri's tone sharp, "We're in the middle of the forrest, ask your three questions so I may go back and sleep this day off."

Rolling over Ubbe took his time getting back to his feet and padding off what debris stuck to him. Casting a glance over at Eleri, Ubbe tired and true took in a slow breath steadying his thoughts, "Just three?"

"Just three," Eleri stated sternly.

Ruminating over this restriction that still presented itself with some insight, Ubbe scratched his beard weighing his thrumming thoughts.

Tossing a look back over her shoulder Eleri's rigid expression replaced what smiling and laughs they'd produced on the trek into the trees. Unsure what caused the flip in the situation, Ubbe fixed his skins evenly on his shoulders and slowly nodded, "Alright, three.."

Mulish Eleri crossed her arms over her apex and leaned back against a gritty trunk of a tree. No words passed her lips while she looked over at him unyielding. The moonlight only making her grayish blue eyes only more dismal to the viking.

"Are you here to hurt my family?" Ubbe posed his first question. Not moving from where he stood before her.

To that Eleri calmly shook her head, "No....Two."

Dipping his head Ubbe affirmed his usage, "Are you leaving Kattegat when this job is done?"

"I don't know," she contested placid without a change in expression.

"That's not an answer," Ubbe retorted firmly.

"Yes it is," shaking her head Eleri did not budge.

Beginning again Ubbe spoke without thought, "Is this just a-"

"Ah ah ah," Waggling her right index finger at him, Ubbe watched Eleri shake her head, "Last question. Is that what you want to know?"

Halting in his verbal tracks Ubbe almost stumbled on a regret. Acknowledging this Ubbe looked down, rationing what he could possibly ask to quell enough of the questions buzzing in his mind. Pensive Eleri pushed off the tree and took thought out steps towards Ubbe until she was just out of arms reach. Her arms still crossed over her chest and eyes hooked into him without a word.

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