February 2,2017

4 1 0

     Dear Diary(and readers),
Today has been a good day. My depression and anxiety haven't been bad since a week ago. I mean I'm still depressed but it's nothing major and I'm only anxious during tests and in larger groups of people. But I have been breaking out of my shell. I'm not as shy. Which is a good thing, I think. It's been hard on me since I've moved. I mean, it's always gonna be hard on anyone who moves. I've kept in touch with my friends and made some new friends. But I don't really have friends in any of my classes but one. It really sucks. I miss my friends. I'm not going to be writing much today. Mainly because nothing has been going on. I wrote a one page story for English but it wasn't very good. Anyways, thanks for listening.

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