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It's the shortest month of the year, so it's a good time for some very short fiction! Flash fiction, to be specific.

Each Thursday in February, I will list a writing prompt. In order to enter, you have post a short story that goes with one of the four prompts. Tag your story #FebFlashFic and post a link to it in the comments. You should also indicate which week or prompt you have chosen, both with hashtags (#week1) and in your comments. You may enter up to four times -- once with each prompt.

This contest is open to all ages and all countries. Your story must be in English, and please no erotica.

Most importantly, your story must be flash fiction. This means that it has to be fewer than 1,000 words.

The winner will receive up to three story critiques from me, or one story planning session, in which I'll help you outline a book or short story. Three runners up will each receive one story critique.

The final deadline is March 2.

Happy writing!

February Flash Fiction ContestWhere stories live. Discover now