Chapter 20

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A couple of weeks had passed and the boys had gone back to the routines of their normal life before working together. Steve was cracking jokes with his friends and high-fiving everybody down the hallways. Whilst Bucky had gone back to his reclusive self however less people had earned a metal fist to their nose which was a relief to everybody in the crowded halls.

It almost seemed as if nothing had happened between the pair. But they couldn't hide the pained look in Bucky's eyes when he saw Steve or the slight twinkle that appeared in Steve's when he saw Bucky from each other no matter how hard they tried. When Bucky saw the twinkle in Steve's blue iris' it gave him hope that maybe one day they could try again even if it petrified Bucky.

On a normal Friday evening Bucky would stay after school and do some work before picking Scarlett up from cheerleading practise and heading out to the local pancake house for some well-deserved syrupy goodness. But Bucky didn't have to wait for Scarlett today as she was going round a friends after school. Arriving home before 5 on a Friday was something out of the blue so much so that Bucky's step-father had forgotten.

Bucky pushed open the heavy door and was heavily surprised when he couldn't hear his mom typing or coking way somewhere in the house. Stumbling into the kitchen to grab a snack he saw a note from his mom explaining that she had gone for coffee with her friends and that Richard (Bucky's step-father) would be home soon.

With nothing else to do but homework Bucky trudged up the stairs slinging his heavy back over his shoulder. Once he reached the top of the stairs Bucky heard strange noises coming from behind the door leading to the master suite.

A high pitched squeal called out Richard's name followed by several moans of desire Bucky was repulsed at what his step-dad and mother were doing. That was until he remembered the note and realised that his mother's voice sounded completely different to those moans and that Richard wasn't due home for a while yet.

Before Bucky had time to contemplate what was happening he barged into the room with a loud swing of the door creating a dent in the wall and earning a scream from the woman occupying your mother's bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" anger rose through Bucky like magma through the chambers in a mountain. The sheet was pulled high up on the woman's chest not wanting to expose herself as she tried to smooth her wild hair down.

"Get out!" Richard yelled, "You shouldn't be here!" a loud sigh escaped his mouth as the realisation of what had happened hit him like a tonne of bricks. Bucky's fists clenched into tight balls ready to hit anything that came near.

"No, what the fuck are you doing! You have a wife or have you forgotten as you've been too busy sleeping with some whore who you probably meet when you were meant to be working!" the anger erupted out of Bucky, lava spewing everywhere. Shame ran over the young girl that had now adjusted herself in bed so she was no longer under Richard's body. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment at being caught by a young boy.

"James," the expression on Bucky's face hardened at the sound of his birth name, "I can explain," Richard pleaded almost ending up on his knees, "just don't tell your mother!"

"Why shouldn't I tell my mother that you're sleeping with some sleazy girl that is young enough to be your daughter?" Bucky threw a disgusted look towards the girl almost feeling sorry for her.

"Please James, she'll kill me!" fear crossed Richard's eyes.

"Exactly! And for the last fucking time it's Bucky!" slamming the door behind him Bucky slammed the door behind him, "She better be leaving or I'll call mom right now and tell her to come home so she can see for herself what a sleazebag you are and she can finally get rid of your fucking sorry arse, you dick!" Bucky heard hurried footsteps as they both hurriedly put their clothes back on to their naked bodies.

With one almighty slam of the front door Bucky left the house with tears descending down his face. Before he had realised Bucky had ended up behind the door of the one person who he couldn't bear to face but the one person who he wanted and needed to be with the most.


Hey guys,

I can't believe we're already at chapter 20, it's crazy! But don't worry there's still lots more drama and fluff (no spoilers) to come!

Thank you for all your lovely support and messages that you send - it means a lot.

I hope you enjoyed

Izzy xx

The Star Spangled Lovers - Stucky AU [BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now