WidowXTracer: Cake

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''Oui?'' (Yes)
''I'm hungry.''
''Lets go get some dessert then my amour''
''Awww you're so sweet!''  Lena tries to keep a straight face but bursts into laughter.
''You're so childish my love." Amelie pets Lena and she blushes wildly, Amelie shuts her up with a kiss.
''Wicked! I'll race ya!'' Lena tries to break the awkward kiss because she tends to get really excited when she gets kissed unexpectedly like that.

---- Lena and Amelie drive to a nearby dessert shop to order food. -----

''What do you want?''
"Je te veux." (I want you) Amelie says in a sexy deep whisper in Lena's ear making her tremble.
''L-love! Not in public!"
"We'll take 2 pieces of cake and a ice cream sundae" Amelie says to the cashier right away.
Lena looks confused.
''What? I'm hungry.''
''You can always eat me dear." Lena whispers back and slaps Amelie's butt.

----Food is here----

''Come on say it!"
"No I'm not going to say it, it was one time Lena!''
''Pleaseeeeeee" Lena begs with puppy eyes.
Amelie takes a deep breath and clears her throat.
''Let them eat cake''
''Hahahaha that was so cool love!''
''Now you're turn!''
''Wait what?"
''Say this. 'She shoots, she scores!''
''I guess that's only fair.''
Lena takes a spoons of ice cream and shoots it up and catches it with her mouth.
''She shoots, she scores! Hahaha.''
''You're so cute Lena.''
''W-what? You're the real cute one here!''
''Gimmie more cake now.''
''Amelie , if you keep eating cake like that, the cake will go straight to your....cake.''
She laughs so much she snorts.
''You're adorable, let's go home you loser.''
''Okay mommy.''
''W-what...mhmmmm hmpph. I'm going to punish you at home if you don't stop...''
''Maybe I want you to punish me.''
''Lenaaaa.......'' >:(

(Hope you enjoyed it! Sorry I'm superrrrr late. I got a new keyboard so expect some new frequent chapters! Comment what you'd like please! Or shoot me a message :) <3 thank you guys )

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