"You made it!!" A group of teens that Kate knew from the orphanage suddenly appear in front of them. "Come to our class. We held a mini cafe. You guys can have some refreshment." Bianca was playing with Kate's soft blonde hair. Cathleen agreed and followed them.

Kate was impressed to see the student's hard work. They actually turn their classroom to a classy looking cafe. They pick a table near the windows and was given a menu. "You guys actually have caramel tea and cappuccino?" Cathleen was skeptical. The teen boy just smiling.

"Don't embarrass us Cathleen." He said under his breath but still keep a smile on his face. Kate kick her legs lightly. "I'll like a Darjeeling tea." Kate said. "Same and soda for that little turd." Bianca turn to Cathleen with puffy cheeks. "Heyyy! Don't call her that. She's a princess."

Bianca smile at Kate. But still glare at Cathleen.

She smile at Bianca but she just turn her head away from Cathleen. "Ooooo you made the princess angry." Kate joke. Cathleen shrugs and waited for the refreshment. "Look." Cathleen said and pointed at something outside the window.

"A huge running unicorn! Waiting for a certain princess!" That caught Bianca's attention and stood up on her chair. She looks outside and her eyes landed on a unicorn stuff animal. She turn back to Cathleen who grin at her. "Does princess want that?" Bianca slowly nod.

"And you shall." Cathleen laugh and pinch Bianca's little nose. The same teen walk up to them and place cups of tea and a soda on the table. "On the house." He said and place a plate of chocolate chips cookie. "For Bianca!" The boy warned Cathleen who's preparing herself to snatch some from the plate.

"Geez! Such cheapo." Cathleen under her breath.

Kate gracefully took a sip from her cup like a lady and was impress even more. She raise her cup showing it's delicious. The group of teens smile wide. Kate help little Bianca to open the soda can and pour some amount on her own cup.

She was enjoying the view outside the window when her eyes landed on someone familiar. "Is that.. Benjamin?" Kate pointed. Cathleen turn around and it is him. "Yea that's him alright. And I bet 10 bucks thats Caravan's daughter."

Cathleen said while her eyes shooting dagger on her brother.


"Butterfly!" Bianca said as she chase the flying butterfly while Cathleen lay on the green grass. Kate was worried Bianca might fall. "Don't worry. If she falls, she will get up, and continue chasing it." Cathleen said while turning her body to face Kate.

"Dude, you have a very beautiful face. You know that?" Cathleen suddenly said and earn a furrow brow from Kate. "Are you by any chance is drunk?" Kate ask. Cathleen chuckle and turn her body to the other side. "Nah. I'm sober. I'm just stating the obvious."

Kate blush. She focus on Bianca instead of Cathleen. Now that she have nothing else she's focusing on, she notice Bianca have a slight resemblance to Cathleen. Except for the hair it's brown. "Hey Cathleen, is that your natural hair colour?" Cathleen turn to her.

"No. I just colour them. It's actually brown. Why?" Kate shake her head and smile. Cathleen got up to a sitting position and wave for Bianca. Bianca waddle towards them and it made Cathleen laugh. "Let's go to that mini inflatable world." Kate nod and grab her things.

She let Cathleen walk first when she felt someone is watching them. She turn around and search for something out of the ordinary. Nothing. She turn back to Cathleen who's looking at her. "What's wrong?" She ask. Kate shake her head and went to Cathleen's side.

"Nothing. Let's have fun."

Kate was waiting for them both outside the huge inflatable funhouse when she felt somebody touch both of her shoulder. Kate turn to see Vanessa's smiling face. "Hey Kate." Kate was surprise. "I thought you're with Jacob." Kate said. "He's at the games booth. I saw you walking here."

Book 7 - The Wild Child (GirlxGirl) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now