Starting school

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Once we arrived at Starbucks it was about 5:30 am and Starbucks was almost empty except for a couple both drinking coffee and a bum laying in one of the booths stinking up the place . I hold my nose walking past the stinking sleeping bum

Ewwww that bum stinks.

We were seated for about 3 minutes when the waitress came to ask what we wanted."what would you guys like !" an over excited cheery waitress asked. looking at her name tag I could tell her name was Brittany. humf figures

"Ummm"I started "well may I have a Carmel latte and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese "

She wrote down my order then looked up from her little book thingy

"And you" she said looking at Nicole

"Can I have a iced coffee and an some eggs with cheese please "

"I'll have that right here"

"k"i said giving her my menu

"So... are you excited about school"

"I guess maybe "

just then the waitress came with our food and drinks . yummmmmmmy

We thanked her as she set down our plates on the table.I took a sip of my latte. ohhhhh that taste good

I stuck my fork into Nicole's eggs wanting to taste them because they looked so cheesy . she swatted it away making me frown.

"Hey I wanted to taste that"

"To bad I get all the cheesy goodness of my eggs and you get none" Nicole said sticking out her tongue at me

"No fair"i said yet again pouting"pwease Niki "

"Fine only a little"

"Thanks "I squealed putting my fork in her eggs and eating some.

"Ummmm hmmm" she said rolling her eyes

We then finished up our breakfast and paid leaving Starbucks

Now it's already .

When we got to school we saw so many people hugging and chatting about god knows what.

When I got out the car I spotted Nicole's and I's two best friends. As soon as I saw them I ran up to my friend Adrianna and hugged her practically jumping on her she squealed and hugged me back

"Jessy I missed you" she said backing up from the hug

She gasped then said "Jessy what happened you look really good"

"So your trying to say I looked bad before .... humm I got u Adrian" I replied giving Alexa a hug

"No not that I just mean you look better than before"

"Yeah it's like you got a makeover or something "my friend Alexa said joining the conversation

"That's because I did!"

"Well whoever did it did a good job"Adrianna added

"I give aunt Wendy all the credit"

"The crazy one in Florida?" Nicole asked

"Yeah that one " I answered with a chuckle

"I knew she had some kind of magic powers " Alexa said giggling

" Instead of talking about aunt Wendy's 'magic powers' let's go inside and get our schedules " I said shivering because of the breeze that just blew .

We went inside to get our schedules. I took a look at all of our schedules and Adrianna and I have all the same classes.Nicole and I have 4 classes together history,PE,art and English . Me and Alexa gave art ,PE and English together .

Once we got our schedules we got our locks for our new lockers. Mine was number 342 Adrianna was 343 Alexa was 340 and Nicole was 341. Once my non needed books were in my new royal blue locker Adrianna and I were headed to math.

I am so happy that I went to aunt Wendy's over the summer because I feel as if I'm more popular. you know what I mean random people just talk to you because your pretty. I was never really ugly I just had a lot of flaws but now they are mostly gone. Even though most people don't care that I look different I just feel a difference.

In math my teacher Mr.Gills was just blabbing on about how good of a year it was going to be. Yeah right. I hate math it takes to much thinking , it's "mental abuse to humans "zxnipcafter math I had about 5 other classes then it was time for lunch



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remember its my first book so give me constructive criticism

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