Seri, The Motherly

Start from the beginning


"Ah, Shoda, just in time for brea-What happened to your face!"

"Nothin'. I got into a fight last night. The usual, nothin' serious." Shoda said that as he opens the fridge in search for milk. I worry sometines about my brother, Shoda. Always picking a fight. Joining bad crowds. In fact, I always worry about my younger siblings. They never had the full chance to feel loved by our parents like I did. Sometimes I feel responsible for it so I compensate by being the one to ease all their problems. I'll never be the mother figure though. That's Reena-nee's part.

"Well, okay but you better be careful next time. Don't rush into a fight so carelessly. We don't wanna cause any more problems for Reena-nee." I voiced out my concern but Shoda only snorted.

"I'm old enough to take care of myself." With that, he picked up his lunchbox, ate a mouthful of breakfast and took off.

To others it might seem rude of him but he is actually very kind. He always does the chores without question(although he does it grudgingly) and we take turns sending  Sachi to kindergarten. It's just that when he's angry or upset, he prefers to be alone. By the looks of it, he lost last night's fight.

After quite a delay made by Shou. We all took off to school. Shou and Shun went to school together while I send Sachi to kindergarten before heading to my high school.

*lunch time*

I stretch my arms out in relief after enduring long hours of studying. Finally it's lunch!

"Seri!" The voice of an angel call out to me from outside of my class.

"Just in time, Keiko!" I took out my lunchbox and dash to my bestfriend, Keiko Nagasaki.

While heading towards Keiko, I heard the normal whispers and taunts from the other classmates.

"Must be nice eating with the young lady."

"Why doesn't she eat with her own kind."


"She must have received expensive gifts from Nagasaki-san"

"She acts like her servant or something."

I know how it seems unreal sometimes, the stuff they say about me being friends with Keiko, but I've gotten so used to it that I don't even care anymore. Besides, Reena-nee always said people like to speculate things they don't understand so they make things up according to their own logic, as long as it doesn't hurt me, I shouldn't even bother.

Keiko and I went to our usual lunch spot. Under the tree behind the gym (we accidently discovered it when we chased after a cat the first day of high school).

"Okay, Keiko. It's Tuesday Twist so what do you have for me?" We have this tradition we started since middle school where we would swap our lunch every tuesday with one condition. It must be homemade. It's kinda like training for us as well. We have to train ourselves to cook one way or another so we went with this idea. Since Keiko never went into the kitchen it was quite a struggle for her. (I remember eating burnt food more than once in the past.)

"I tried a new western recipe today. I hope you like it."

"Wow! You always try different things. I always opt for simple Japanese food. You're becoming quite a foodie, huh."

"Well, I can do anything by following the recipe but I like yours better. It has this homey taste, you know? Just like how I'd imagined home-cooked meals taste like." Keiko's eyes turned a little misty. I guess it reminded her of her deceased mother. I patted her on the back and tried to lighten the mood.

"Well, let's try this delicacy prepared by none other than Chef Keiko!" She laughed at my statement and our lunch went on carefree as usual.

After lunch, my English teacher, Miss Hoshika, who is also our homeroom teacher, assigned us with an essay. We were supposed to write a two page essay about the person we admire who is still alive. We were given 15 minutes to start a rough draft and the class was buzzing with my classmates asking each other about the person they picked. I wasn't a genius or someone who comes up with extraordinary ideas much so I  naturally picked the closest one to me. My eldest sister. Serena Miyamura.


As soon as the last school bell rang everyone excitedly stood up and packed their bags. Keiko and I would always walk to the front gates together and go our separate ways because that's as far as she can go without an escort. Poor her.

As her driver opens the car door for her, she said to me, "Oh, who did you pick for our English essay?"

"Obviously my big sister. What about you?"

"You!" Keiko giggled

"What? Why?"

"You seriously don't know?"

"Well....I'm not special or anything."

"GIRL, sometimes you just need someone else to write an essay about you so you could see how amazing you are" With that, Keiko laughed and got into her car.

Meanwhile, I was left clueless.

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