Your 2 Favorite Memories

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You were walking hand-in-hand with your boyfriend Kuroko Tetsuya on your way to the park. Today was Valentines Day. Exactly two years ago, Kuroko confessed his love for you and you happily became his girlfriend. He had been your crush for ever since you met him at Teiko Middle School at the entrance ceremony. You remember both events like they happened only moments ago.


You were walking towards your assigned spot for the entrance ceremony when you saw a sky blue haired boy with blue eyes running towards you full speed in a hurry. Not wanting to get run over by him, you quickly jumped out of the way just in time. Shortly after he passed you, he suddenly came to a stop and turned around and stared at you. That is when you noticed that he was really cute and you immediately fell in love. You quickly turned away and started walking to your spot again, looking down because you were blushing madly. Since you were looking at the ground, you didn't notice him run around and stop in front of you.

"Umm excuse me?" He said, standing right in front of you. You screamed and people looked at you like you were a weirdo.

"How did you get there so quickly?!" You yelled. Again people looked at you like you were out of your mind and you wondered why. The boy spoke again drawing your attention back to him.

"How did you see that I was about to run into you?" He asked calmly. He had a blank expression on his face, but his absolutely beautiful blue eyes were full of genuine curiosity.

"Umm... I uh... j-just saw you coming and uh... I-I didn't want to get run over so... I just m-moved out of the way." You stuttered with your face all red.

"Hmm, I see. That's very strange." He said. You blinked in confusion and your blush disappeared and tilted your head to the side.

"Why is that so strange? Anyone who wouldn't want to get run over would move out of the way." You said, surprised at his seeming lack of common sense.

"Well normally most people just don't notice me until it's too late even if they're facing in my direction." The boy explained, but you just became even more confused.

"How can someone not notice another person running in their direction? Especially if that person has sky blue hair!" You explained to him. He looked at you with that same blank expression but his eyes clearly showed confusion. Seeing that he still didn't seem to understand made you a little frustrated. You slapped your hand on your forehead.

"Geez, isn't that what normal people would do in that situation?" You said, looking back to the boy who still wore a blank expression on his face but the look of confusion in his eyes had disappeared and you could feel their warmth like he was happy.

"I see then. You aren't normal like other people." He said while looking at you. His comment made you a little mad. You started to turn red again but in anger this time. Realizing that he offended you, he began to explain himself.

"No, I didn't mean that in an insulting way." He said as your face went back to its normal color. He then continued to explain what he meant.

"I have a lack of presence, that's all. Basically it's almost like I'm invisible. Normal people don't notice me much at all. But you saw me right away and honestly, it makes me really happy." He said, still with a blank expression but his eyes radiated warmth showing you that he really was happy.

"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya by the way." He introduced himself and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Kuroko. My name is (l/n) (f/n). But you don't have to call me by my last name. You can just call me (f/n)." You said taking his hand and shaking it.

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