Chapter 4

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    The second I opened that door, I was hit with regret and silence. My eyes went from one person to the next. It was like a freeze frame at the end of a movie... Wait what's a movie? Is that like some sort of play? Eh I don't know. Words like that pop into my head- making Plan M more believable each time. I first looked at Antonio. He had a plate of churros, of course, and was going to hand one to Lovino. Oh dear, sweet Lovi. He seemed as angry as usual. I looked to Kiku- being a bland sushi and sitting there. And then there was Ludwig. He had noticed first so his face was one of pure shock. I wanted to laugh but... Can't blow my cover!

   Time moved once more. I went to speak but I was cut off by Lovi jumping on the table and running over, jumping onto me. I casually side stepped so he landed face first in the hard floor. Ouch. He got up and I was hugged tightly. "DAMN IDIOTA WHERE WERE YOU?!" He shouted. Antonio joined the hug circle. Fun. "N-not so t-tight." I groaned. My stomach wound still wasn't closed. The grips loosened but they didn't let go. I was like a precious lost pet, finally found after years of searching. I heard the happy crying from my brother as he kicked Toni to the side. I was more important. I got a brotherly kiss on the cheek. "Damn idiot! Are you gonna answer the question?!" He shouted, still crying. His voice didn't crack.

   "In some dark r-room..." I murmured. Lovino looked so, so very weak like this. A puny baby. "I swear to god don't you ever do that again! We all thought you...we thought you were dead...." Lovi said. I gave a fake frown and hugged my brother back- just to cover my tracks better. As I did, Ludwig walked over, calmly, but I could see the joy in his eyes. His old love found not dead. Half of his family ok. What more could he wish for? Wishes come true but they aren't always granted perfectly. Ludwig pried Lovino off me and nudged him out of the way.

     Ludwig lifted my chin to his face. No no no don't you dare kiss me you idiot I swear- oh thank god. My prayers worked. His finger touched the bruise that had blossomed on my cheek. "Who did this." He said gently as if I was a puppy that needed to be calmed. "I...I don't-t know who..I got my chance to escape s-so I took it. I was so scared Ludwig..." I said making my eyes water falsely. I slowly used my hands to get his off my cheek. Ew ew ew. "D-did you guys even tr-try looking f-for me?" I asked in a subtlety cold tone. The room went quiet.

   "Of course we did Feliciano. We looked so hard for you. I'm so sorry we couldn't find you." Kiku said after being so quiet for a while. Lies. All -as Arthur would say- bloody lies. They never checked the forest. When I and Gil trained to boost are strength, we never had to be concerned about soldiers that first month. Those jerk wads only checked other kingdoms. Not even the outer ring was checked... But who would go in that place. I nodded as Arthur said from the door way, "Oh yes that reminds me. Kiku may I have a word with you outside?" He asked.

  As I watched Kiku leave, I immediately realized why. Arthur had to be giving Kiku a just in case warning. That jerk! I was so close too... "Do you want anything Feli? Any food? Water?" Antonio asked, drawing my attention to him. "Just t-tired... And weak..." I said. I practically run on caffeine. There is never time for sleep. Maybe when I go rest I could sneak out- if they even let me.

    As Kiku walked in I saw the paleness to his face, his cautious eyes, even his slight fear towards me. It was easy to see- at least to me. Arthur had to have told him. Jerk! But... I'll play with his fear a bit. "Kiku? A-are you alright? What d-did Arthur s-say?" I asked, walking to him and grabbing his hand. He pulled it away fast. "Nothing. He just said.. He had to leave." Kiku said. What an awful liar. I tsked my tongue and quietly said, "You c-can tell me... Best. Friend." I said and lightly smiled. His fear excelled. I quickly looked back at Ludwig.

  "Luddy! Is m-my old room still ok?" I asked. Ludwig nodded. "Ja, it is. If you'd like to rest, by all means go ahead." Ludwig said. Before I could go, he added. "There is a meeting tonight. I'll have someone wake you up when it's time to go." He said. I nodded and walked past, not looking back. Past the dining hall is two branches, one leading to the rooms and one to other sections of the castle. I went into my old room and looked around. Dusty. Do these imbeciles know what the concept of dusting is? I sneezed a few times as I lifted my shirt to check my bandaging. The blood was seeping through. Awesome. Wow.

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