Chapter 1 (Edited)

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She stood in the pouring rain, her blonde hair and white dressed soaked to the bone. The wind blew her hair around her while the rain pounded her face, washing away the tears that she didn't know she was crying.

Why? she thought, sadly, looking at the dark and ominous sky. Why do I have to go back? She moved a hand through her hair and sighed, knowing that someone would be looking for her. She pursed her lips and scrunched her eyebrows together, not knowing why they would want her to go on this death mission.

Why would they want her? She wasn't really that special, though she was one of the older Angels and had been fighting from the time- She pursed her lips some more and shook her head, stopping the thought that she so badly wanted to dwell on.

What's done is done, she mused. I just don't have to live with him anymore.

"Mira," someone called behind her, calming the raging storm inside of her broken heart.

Mira huffed, not liking that this male was talking to her while she was self-pitying. But, nevertheless, she turned towards the voice to see that the male that had called her name. She looked up, meeting the six foot male's worried gaze. "Yes, Gabriel?" she asked, her tongue slipping back into that Old English accent that she had taken years to change because it reminded her of him.

His brows were creased with worry, and his golden brown hair clung to his forehead from being drenched in rain. His brown eyes were filled with concern while he looked her up and down, trying to see if there was any physical harm that had happened to her. "Are you alright?" he asked, walking over to her.

Mira blushed and looked down, her long eyelashes covering her blue eyes. Her heart fluttered a little, because she has had a crush on this man since the day that she had met him on that night that had changed her life. "Uh... ya," she replied, her voice cracking. "I- I'm fine."

The male snorted and lifted her chin up, so that she would stare into his brown eyes. "We both know that you are not, Mira," he replied. He stroked her cheeks, causing her to almost close her eyes at his gentle touch. "You've been crying," he muttered. "Why?"

Mira sighed and glanced away from him, her whole body stiff. She didn't meet his eye, knowing that he would find out what was bothering her if she did. "What do you want, Gabriel?" she asked, not answering his question. Her voice held how tired she was, and she knew that she couldn't do anything about it.

Gabriel frowned, his brown eyes turning a little darker. Mira knew that there would be a small tick in his jaw, because she didn't answer his question, and he wanted her to. "Answer the question, Mira," he warned. "Why are you crying?"

Mira sighed and held onto herself, before shrugging. She moved a strand of blonde hair out of her face before looking at her muddy feet. "I don't want to leave," she replied, finally. "I mean, I love it where I am at. I have no worries, except for reciting prayers and making sure that I'm caught up with my training."

Gabriel sighed and grabbed hold of her chin, gently pulling it so that she was looking at him. "But you are young," he replied, causing her to roll her eyes. "You should be out and about and find love."

Mira glanced down, her pale cheeks gaining some rosy color. I thought I all ready did, she thought, making sure that she had her wall up so that the older male could not hear her thoughts. "Why are you even here?" she asked, changing the subject again.

Gabriel breathed out through his nose, causing the female to smirk slightly. She knew that she had annoyed him because of the fact he blew out his nose. "You are not answering my question, Mira," he warned. "Why do you not want to enjoy time on Earth with people your age?"

"It is because I will be treated as the same as I am here," she replied. "I am one thousand one hundred and eighteen years old, and yet the people here look at me as if I shouldn't be in heaven."

"That is because you died young and look eighteen."


"So, it is not common to die-"

"Sometimes," Mira interrupted, glaring up at him. She couldn't help but clench her jaw, trying to make sure that she didn't let the anger out on the Arch-Angel. "I died young because of him." She spat that out as if it tasted like acid. And, to her, it did.

He was the cause of her pain. He was the one that took her from the male that she was betrothed to, and she couldn't do a single thing about it. He had killed her, and she got her revenge by killing Demons that had attacked the other realms.

"Not a lot of people are like him," Gabriel insisted, causing Mira to scoff and roll her eyes. "Some men are much kinder than your-"

"If you call him my father, then I swear I will find a way to end you," Mira interrupted again, causing the older male to huff. "He was sent to where he belongs, and he is no father of mine." She paused and sighed, moving a hand across her neck. "And, I have seen more of the bad in others than the good."

"And that is why I, well, we, want you to see the good in others, also. Not everyone is born bad. Sometimes, they just make bad choices. We can't let them define the person that they are or how they choose to become."

Mira glanced down and chewed on the inside of her cheek. She knew that he was right, but she didn't want to tell him that. She just wanted to stay and train, becoming a better fighter and protecting others from just where she was at and not go down to Earth.

"Tell you what," Gabriel said, causing the female to glance up at him. "What if you stay at this place for a week, and if you don't want to stay, then you will be able to choose to leave. How does that sound?"

Mira narrowed her eyes, slightly. She didn't trust him, even though he had been nothing but kind to her. "You are making it seem like that I will be there longer than you are saying," she replied, curtly.

Gabriel didn't say a word but smirked. He raised an eyebrow, and his message was clear. He was wondering if she would do it.

Mira, finally, huffed in defeat and ran a hand over her face. She knew that she was about to sign a death wish by doing this, but for some reason she couldn't help not caring. "Fine," she said, her voice cracking. "I'll go. But, if something happens to me, then it is on your head. Deal?"

Gabriel nodded and gave her a cheeky grin. "Deal."

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