"Aren't you glad to be around so many attractive women?" Tina suddenly said.

"What?" Grant asked.

"Lola is really cute, but she's as tough as nails. And Shibaki is gorgeous, but she's stuck in the past."

"Tch, like I care about them. Both of them are crazy." Grant scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Well, this was quite an interesting chat, Mr. Mikami. I'm glad to get to know more of my students." Tina smiled.

"Um... t... thank you, miss." Grant blushed.

"Though I'm flattered... I'm your teacher, Mr. Mikami."

"W... Wait! H... How long..."

"I don't know why some of my students are so into me. Is it because of the way I dress?"

"No, ma'am! You dress just fine! Can I just ask that you don't look into my thoughts so often?!"

"I can't help it. I'm kinda interested in what my students are thinking of instead of my lessons." she gave a glare at Grant.

"Ok, ok. I'll pay more attention in class." Grant slumped in his seat. The door quickly opened with Asa bolting in.

"Ms. Wilson! Have you seen..." Asa asked before noticing Grant. "Grant! You're alright!"

"Um, of course I'm alright. What's the problem?"

"I heard you got into a fight and thought you were in the infirmary room. When you weren't there, I thought Ms. Wilson might know where you were."

"Oh, you were in a fight?! Do you win?!" Tina was interested.

"No, I was not in a fight! I just met some weird guy and thought he might beat me up."

"Oh, shoot. I was really hoping there would be a good fight here."

"Ms. Wilson!" Asa said.

"What? Sometimes it gets boring around here. Some drama needs to happen." Tina was disappointed until she stood up. "Hey, kids. Why don't you two come with me somewhere for a bit? There's a place I want to show you."

"But what about class?"

"I'll ask someone to sub for me. Lola is there where I'm taking you."

About a few minutes later at the side of the school near the swimming pool, there was nothing there but nature. Tina lend Asa and Grant to a brick wall.

"What's here of all places?" Grant asked and looked around.

"A secret base I set up." Tina touched around the wall randomly.

"A secret base?! How did you build one at the school?!" Asa asked.

"I bought it and had it built here for training Betas. Luckily I'm good friends with the principal." she touched a brick about an inch above her. A hidden door flung open. "Ah, here it is. Right this way."

Behind the hidden door was a large plain open field. It had a few boulders sticking up from the ground and a few poppy flowers, which looked a bit out-of-place. Asa and Grant were amazed by the sight.

"T... This is so beautiful..." Asa said.

"Y... Yeah... I'm surprised how well-built it is." Grant said.

"Well, I did model it from a famous paining. Do you know by who?" she turned to them, expecting an answer, but they just stared at her. "Come on! "Field of Poppies" by Vincent Van Gogh!"

"Who's that?" they both said in unison.

"Nevermind... I just thought that it was obvious from the Poppy flowers I planted here, but whatever."

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