Chapter 15

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Gianna's POV:
It's competition today!
Maddie is still worried about Mackenzie but I'm going to get her today from the hospital and bring her to the competition to compete. I still haven't told Maddie that though. She thinks that I have found someone else to replace Kenzie for this week. Hopefully she likes the surprise!


Everyone is awake now and we are having breakfast. All the girls look excited, except Maddie. So I said "Maddie what's wrong?"

She replied with "I miss Kenz!"

So I looked at the other girls and said "I'm sure Kenzie is fine and you will see her soon."

The girls that knew about Mackenzie nodded in agreement with what I said.

Then we started eating breakfast and after we all finished I said "Right, it is 7:30am now. We are leaving at 8:40. So you have 1 hour to get ready. Go."

So all the girls rushed upstairs to get ready, while I was already dressed and ready to go and so were Christi and Kelly, so we stayed downstairs chatting and I said to Christi "It's time to tell Kelly." And Christi nodded.
Kelly looked confused, so I said "Kelly, Mackenzie woke up a couple of days ago. I have been keeping in contact with the hospital and Christi has been going to see her when I couldn't, but she is now awake and I spoke to the doctors and she is fine to be discharged today and she is able to compete at the competition. So when we get to competition and we are signed in, I am going to say that I am going to find someone and I will drive to the hospital, which is a 5 minute drive from the competition, and get Kenzie and then we will come back to the competition."

Kelly looked shocked. All she said was "Wow! Maddie must be so happy, but she said that she's worried about Kenzie!"

I replied with "Yeah. That's because she doesn't know. Only Nia, Kendall, Kalani, Jojo and Paige know."

Kelly nodded.

Then I was about to say something when I heard lots of footsteps coming down the stairs. It was all 9 girls coming down saying "Were ready. Let's go."

So I said "Okay. Girls, when we get to the competition, I need to go and find someone, you are all going to go with Christi and Kelly to start getting ready and I will come as soon as I can. Okay?"

They all said "Okay Gianna."

So we got everything that we needed and got in the cars and went to the competition.

At the competition

We have just arrived at the competition, so I checked us in and then said "Right, so I will be back shortly."

They said bye to me and then went to the dressing room and I went back to my car to drive to the hospital.

Mackenzie's POV:
I get to go home today. It's Sunday today, that means it's competition. My doctor said "Good Luck" to me earlier but I don't know why.

Gianna has just got here, she's here to get me. So I decided to ask her.

G - Gianna
K - Kenzie

K: Gianna?
G: Yes Kenz.
K: Earlier, he doctor said Good Luck to me. Why?
G: Because it is competition today and you are allowed to compete.
K: Really?
G: Yes. All the other girls are at the competition already.
K: Okay.
G: Do you remember your dances?
K: Yes. I've been going over them in my head.
G: That's good!
K: Yeah.
G: Okay. Let's go to competition.
K: Okay. Let's go.

Then we left the hospital and went to the competition.

Gianna's POV:
I let Mackenzie open the door to the dressing room. As soon as she walked in Maddie went running to her and gave her a bone-crushing hug. Then I said "Right. So, as you can see Mackenzie is okay. She's here. And Maddie she is your duet partner. She's allowed to compete so we have all our dances again!"

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