Chapter 6 - A terrific shock

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  "What a gorgeous puppy!" Jo exclaimed upon meeting Bounce. The eager puppy squirmed and chewed on her fingers. He wasn't that worse for the wear, especially considering only that morning he had been at the local vet, having a number of checks, injections and a chip implanted in his neck. Anne had almost been in tears as he'd yelped so much and had treated him to a bag of posh biscuits to take with him to his new home. 

  "Come in, do. Oh, but there is somebody else - two people - in the house, too. You may know them."

  And what a shock they got when they struggled into the front room of the tiny house, laden with a dog bed, two bowls, biscuits and a dog! Timothy had sensibly been left behind at the flat, much to his evident disappointment. But who should be sitting, reading a newspaper and smoking a cigarette, but big, burly Alfredo!

  "Alfredo?" they chorused in shock. Only Bounce was not immobilised. He did not respond.

  "Alfredo!" shouted the woman sitting beside him in a rocking chair. She rapped the back of his hand with her magazine. He looked up with a start and stared at the intruders. They stared back and it was very tense for a moment or two. Then Jo broke the silence.

  "Uncle Alfredo, you remember these people, don't you? Julian, Richard, Anne and George? They camped with your friends many years ago. You liked them when you knew them."

  "Alfredo!" shouted the little woman sharply "Find your tongue! Don't be a big useless man! Say hello to our old friends." then to the visitors "This bad man, he's a little deaf and a little slow. That fire-eating has taken over him; see how he smokes!"

  Thoughtfully, Alfredo took a puff of his cigarette. He had aged considerably. His large limbs were angular and bony - and as for his face, well! It was tinged with yellow and decidedly wrinkled. A matted grey beard was starting to form. He was far cry from the powerful but chastised performer they all remembered.

  "You boys - and girl..." he began. George smiled a little faintly, pleased at being mistaken for a boy once more but nervous. He opened his mouth but could not seem to speak.

  "He says he's very pleased to see you all again after all the years." Mrs Alfredo told them.

  "Aunt Nita, you obviously remember them. They've come to-"

  "Alfredo, he showed you his fire-eating, did he not? And you all clapped and cheered the foolish man! See how it's made him now!"

  "They've come to give us a truly adorable dog to keep us company, Aunt Nita. I trained dogs, you remember? I decided that a dog is just the thing to keep everybody company."

  "If you say so, my niece. Now, Fredo will get you a nice hot cup of tea, won't you?"

  "I like my tea hot." Alfredo said, smiling "It reminds me a little of the hot, hot fire I used to have. I don't do it any more... doctors, you know. How many sugars do you like in your tea?"

  Creakily the old man got up and shuffled to the door. They all politely told him.

  "And bring the freshly-baked lemon cake, Alfredo!" ordered his wife, making room on the sofa and patting it. In a gentlemanly way, Julian and Richard offered the seats to Anne and George. Bounce was set down on the floor and began to investigate his new home.

  A pretty floral tray slowly appeared around the door, followed by Alfredo moving at a snail's pace. Mrs Alfredo watched him expectantly.

  "He drops things, the clumsy man! That's why he's so slow. Fredo, come on. Our friends do not have all day."

  Everyone eventually thawed and they spent a pleasant hour chatting, drinking tea and eating slice after slice of delicious cake. Then, still a little taken aback at the sudden reunion, and with sniffs from Anne, they left Bounce to settle in.

  "Who'd have thought that a little dog could bring old friends together again?" Richard said. And everyone agreed.

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