Chapter 7: Julian is puzzled

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  "There was something decidedly odd about Alfredo." Julian said as they got out of their car back at the flat.

  "What do you mean? He seemed all right to me." Anne frowned.

  "He didn't even notice us when we went in. It was only when his wife - Anita, wasn't it? - shouted in his ear that he actually looked at us. And even then he just blanked us for a minute, then he suddenly remembered and was as chatty as ever."

  "He and his wife never did learn to speak the Queen's English, though. There was nothing odd about their lack of grammar." George said.

  "I don't know... he just seemed different."

  "Bear in mind that it's been around thirty-five years since we last saw him, Julian. Plus he's aged considerably. It's understandable that his mind was a little fuzzy."

  "But we all remembered him the moment we saw him."

  "We are only in our late forties. Alfredo must be... seventy, eighty now?"

  "Let's change the subject." Anne said uncomfortably. "Wasn't that a perfectly heavenly cake that Mrs Alfredo baked? She's still as good a cook as she ever was. I say, is that little farm shop near Faynight Castle still open, do you think?"

  "I doubt it, Anne." Richard said "It's all supermarkets these days. A pity, because seeing Alfredo and Mrs Alfredo made me long for some of those pickled onions!"

  "We must take a trip up there one of these days." said Anne optimistically.

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