Chapter 1

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A few years later I discovered I couldn't feel pain not even if it was the worst pain imaginable. We were in high school now and Gwen and I started dating two years ago and it was our anniversary. I was at my locker getting my books then I turned and saw Gwen she kissed my cheek, " Hey Ashe."

I kissed her, "Hey." I pulled a small box out of my locker and handed it to her, "Happy anniversary."

She opened it and inside where two black rings, one was thicker and had a small black rock, the other was smaller with a black diamond in it. I put hers on her and she put mine on me, she kissed me, "Thank you."

She kissed me again and put her fingers in my short purple hair, and I put mine in her long blonde hair that was partially up in two small buns on top of her head showing a small streak of purple in the left bun. My friend Josh came over to us, "Hey Ashe, Gwen."

"Hey." I rested my arm around Gwen's shoulder and the bell rang we kissed one more time and Josh and I walked to class. We sat down at our desks and got our stuff out, "So how are you and Gwen doing?"

"Good, as of today we have been together for two years."

"Aw that's sweet."

"Yeah." We got our stuff out of our bags and onto the desks, we sat and talked for a while until the bell rang then Mr.Smith checked the attendance, some students came in late and class started.

Later that day I went back to my locker and met up with Gwen, we had our next class together and walked to class. We got to our desks and Mrs.James came in along with most of the other students, class started and we were reading a book I zoned out half way through when the image of my mom lying on the floor dead came into my head. I blacked out for a minute. I felt Gwen touch my arm and heard, "Ashe, are you okay?"

I turned my head to look at her, "Yeah I'm fine. Hey do you think we can go to see mom after school."

"Sure, whatever you want." She held my hand tightly. After class we went to lunch outside under a large tree behind the bleachers, Gwen and Josh each sat on either side of me. Gwen and I shared a lunch that she made for us, we sat and talked for a while until the bell rang, I kissed Gwen and walked with Josh to the fine arts building. I walked in and went downstairs, I went to the very back room then to the corner and grabbed my guitar it was covered in band stickers and drawn on roses from Gwen, I sat down and started to play it. Josh had his drum set in the room also, he sat down and waited for Damian and Hayden to show up so we could practice. We played music every Saturday night at a club that my cousin owns we do a lot of covers but some originals.

Gwen and I met up at the front of the school after class and walked to the graveyard, Gwen started picking some flowers on the way and pulled out a ribbon she got from the art teacher, she tied it around the stems and we walked up the hill until we saw the medium sized grave with the picture of my mom on it. She looked so happy with me and my dad, she was so young in the picture, I was at least a year old. I felt a tear run down my cheek, I knelt down I front of the grave, then felt Gwen's small arms wrap around me. I turned and kissed her head then looked back at the grave, "Hey mom I hope you're okay now. Gwen has been helping me with a lot of stuff. You would love her." Gwen kept her arms around me and I put mine around her I kissed her cheek and we both got up. We held hands and walked to my house, my dad wasn't home, I unlocked the door and we went to my room, it was painted a dark shade of gray and had band posters all over the wall, I had another guitar in the corner and music sheets on my desk some had been written on and some weren't. Gwen sat down on my bed and started drawing I lied down beside her, "So what are you drawing."

"I'm not telling you." I pouted and she stuck her tongue out, she sat there drawing for a while and I lied there just watching every perfect movement she made. She must have finished her drawing because she closed her sketchbook and put it back in her bag, I lifted my self up on my elbow, "So my dad won't be home for a while."

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