Chapter one - A welcome back?

Start from the beginning

Both Louisa as Isabella shook their heads at me. "What are you most looking forward to?"

"Going back to my uncle's court,"

"Are you kidding me? Think about all the fun we could have! No scratch that, the fun we are going to have," Louisa said. "Come on Bella, you are looking forward to this too, right?"

"I mean... Yes, I think so," Isabella said, looking at her book. "But I do understand Adeline. She might not get as much fun as we could have, Louisa. You do get that right?"

My heart swelled at her words. A small smile made its way around my lips.

"I know, I know," Louisa sighed. "I'm sorry, I know this must be hard for you," she said while she grabbed my hands. I smiled as I squeezed her hands. "Don't worry about me. They are going to realize I'm not fit to be Queen soon enough," I smirked and turned my head to look outside as I sat back.

The scenery outside flashed before my eyes as I saw Louisa en Isabelle sharing a look from the corner of my eyes. I did not care. I already had a reputation, if I made it worse than so be it.

"I must say I'm looking forward to meeting the King of France too. I've heard he has quite the looks," said Louisa to break the silence, but hearing that made me almost throw up. The gagging sound I made along with it spoke volumes.

"Don't make me laugh, please," I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Have you ever met him, Adeline?" It was Isabella's soft voice who spoke this time. Sounding a bit too interested to my liking which made me turn my head in her direction. "Isabelle, don't tell me you're interested. You're too good for him," I said assessing her face which was turning a bright shade of red.

"No.. I just.. I just heard he was good-looking," she stammered, the color of her face almost the same as her red hair.

"Don't get your highs up," I said. Memories were already resurfacing again. I have never hated a person so much in my life as I did him.

Thinking about what happened nine years ago made me swallow a lump in my throat. I only had bad memories regarding that place. It was one of the reasons why I really didn't want to go there. Could you blame me? That day, nine years ago, was a turning point in my life. It had opened my eyes and changed me for good. The sweet, little, naive girl I had been was no more.

"What happened?"

I looked up to see the curious look in Isabella's eyes. I averted my eyes to Louisa to see she looked curious too. Both were ready to hear one of my most well-kept secrets.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said stubbornly. I know they mean well, but I just didn't want to talk about it. Not now at least. My heart already started to race when de castle entered my view, I couldn't get the words out even if I wanted to.

Louisa seemed to notice it too that we had arrived at the palace grounds. "Looks like we've arrived anyway," she said. It was obvious she was disappointed that I didn't trust them with this. Even though it wasn't that; I just couldn't. It just hurts talking about it, about the whole situation that occurred nine years ago. It wasn't even all about him, there were others involved too, but if he had just shut his mouth I wouldn't be like this right now. Did I blame him? Of course, I did.

The sound of trumpets rang through the air as the carriage made its way down the path leading to the castle. From up here, I could already see that the stairs were packed with people along with the path leading to it. I did remember some, but not that much. I saw the King's mother, his younger brother and other people I recognized by face; no idea what their names were, though.

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