Chapter 4 "The Meet"

Start from the beginning

We did just that and after 2 1/2 hours we were done. I looked around and was pleased at the room. My side looks a little spacious compared to my roommate's because my dad raised my bed to the highest point. My desk is now underneath my bed so it creates the illusion of more space.

"Okay before ya'll leave can we go out to eat?" I asked.

"Alright. You ready Bey?" My dad asked. Oh God.

"Let's go get 'em!" She responded. We all laughed and headed out to eat. They so corny.

*Later that night*

My parents have been gone for a few hours and I still haven't met my roommate. It's almost 11 at night right now. I decided to have a 3-way call between my mom and aunt Solange.

"Yes Ma I still haven't met her." I said.

"When does school even start?" My aunt asked.

"Classes start in two days, so maybe she'll be back tomorrow." I said.

"True. She's probably back home or something." My said. I was painting my nails and had Netflix softly in the background.

"I just hope she's cool. You know I'm not used to sharing a space and meeting new people." I told them.

"Well it's a given since you're the only child to have anxiety, but we can only hope she'll like you for you and that's all that matters." My mom said. Suddenly I heard keys turning and decided to quickly end the phone call.

"Mommy and Auntie I think she's coming in now. I'll talk to ya'll later, okay?" I said.

"Okay. Love you." They both said.

"Love ya'll too." I hung up and waited to see my new roomie.


I opened the door and there was my new roommate. She looks really pretty. I placed my bag on the floor and walked towards her.

"Hey I'm Summer. " I said. She smiled and reached out to hug me. Wasn't expecting that.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Skylar but I go by Skye." She said.

"Cool you can call me Summer or KK...doesn't really matter." I said.

KK is my nickname ever since I could remember. My middle name is Kaelynn and my daddy always called me KK so it stuck.

"Alright KK. I really like your side of the room." She complimented.

"Thanks but I think you have me beat. I didn't even know you could raise the beds that high. That's smart." I told her. I looked at all the decorations she had on her side.

After taking off my Wendy's hat, apron and shoes, I jumped on my bed before I needed to go shower.

"So I'm guessing you've been at work this whole day?" Skye asked. She was painting her nails at her desk.

"Yeah I work at the Wendy's up the street. I'm so happy I have tomorrow and Monday off." I said. These shifts are gonna kill me.

"You mean the one passed the stop light?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Oh okay the drive isn't that bad then." She said.

"It's not if you have a car. I have to walk. It's only like 10 minutes though." I said.

"Oh okay. Well if you ever need a ride I'll be more than happy to take you. My dad's bringing my car next week." She responded.

"Thanks girl but I'll be alright. So do you have a job or anything?" I asked.

"Um you can say something like that. I'm a brand ambassador for a few brands so I get paid promoting stuff on my social media." She said. I nodded my head. What the hell is a brand ambassador? Is that even legal?

"Okay..." I said.

"So where you're from?" She asked me.

"South Central L.A. You?" I asked.

"Originally New York but moved to L.A. a few years ago." She said.

"Cool. I always wanted to visit New York." I hopped down from my bed & reached into my drawers to grab my clothes and shower caddy.

"I'll be back and we can talk some more if you haven't fallen asleep." I said.

"Okay cool. I'll be up." She said.

I left out the room and went to take my shower.

*******COMMENT, VOTE********
Did you think their first meet went well? Do you think Summer even knows who Skye is yet...Please tell me your thoughts! Right now, it's the calm before the storm. Hmmmmm

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