welcome Zane (hell or heaven?)

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Zane smiled as he looked down below, “Yo” was all he said with a huge grin on his face, Becky looked over his shoulder “announce yourselves!” demanded Kakashi and Guy, the others moved a little bit ready to jump into a fight. Becky chuckled and slowly moved in front of Zane, the hoody casted over her face “don’t tell me I have changed that much, have i?” she asked as she slowly removed her hood and mask revealing her grinning face “Yo!, I’m back… miss me?” she shouted down to them, a few gasps could be heard, but only a small chuckle from Lady Tsunade with a soft smile on her face Gaara’s sand immediately retreated, “welcome home” he said loud enough for her to her as he felt his heart skip a beat and relax in relief, as he saw a blush settle on her cheeks.

Anna ran from the ninja academy and ran straight to the Hokage’s building as she ran her breathe started to heavier and heavier as she got to the building she saw three huge dragons and two figures on top “BECKY!” she shouted as loudly as possible as her knees were wobbling, one of the dragons saw her and bent down to pick her up, as it placed her on the roof Becky and someone else was looking at her “BECKY” she shouted, Becky who still had a slight blush on her cheeks jumped and embraced her sister with tears running down her fac. When they separated Anna smacked Becky up the side of her head, “OW, what the hell was that for?” she said rubbing her head and making a face Anna had streams of tear running down her face, “no contact, nothing but a few words that you were ok” she tried saying through her tears, “NOT ONE FUCKING WORD FROM YOU” she shouted at her face, Becky’s fringe shadowed her eyes “I’m sorry” she whispered, Anna looked at her and shook her head “SORRY!” she said “SORRY ISN’T GUNNA DO IT YOU ARE SO STUPID I THOUGHT” she stopped at the end of the sentence as just endless tears ran down her face, “I thought you were dead” she said finally looking down at her feet, Becky felt a stabbing pain in her heart as she looked back at Anna. “oi” was all she said as a silence came from them, “I went away to find some answers and train to become stronger, also I found something unbelievable, but I… I… it was… I did get some information and sent Misaki a dragon to send messages only to lady Tsunade as it was essential into protecting everyone.” Becky said as she placed a hand on Anna’s shoulder.

Within seconds she smacked it away, “like I said, sorry isn’t going to cut it.” She looked behind‘s Becky, “who’s that?” she said giving the man a glare, Becky moved back slightly as in protection “this is Zane, he uh” Becky said rubbing her neck while looking at the know curious bunch of people… “Hes well…”

“I’m your half-brother” he finished the sentence while looking at them with a small smile, Becky spun round as if to say you idiot, she then looked back at Anna, who was taking a few steps back as ‘half-brother’ was echoing in her head, her knees wobbling as her body very slowly started to set fire from the feet upwards “half…” she couldn’t finish a huge amount of chakra started to explode as Anna started to freak out, her breath becoming shorter and shorter Becky’s eyes widened “shit OI ANNA CALM DOWN” she shouted as her body began to shake in fear, grabbing her bag that she dropped on the floor she was looking for something “inhaler, where is it?” it wasn’t there,  Anna began to start to shiver as the fire went out but snow started to fall, Becky started to have tears down her face as she saw a lot of confused faces but Tsunade was trying to make her way to Anna, “DO SOMETHING LOOK FOR A FUCKING INHALER YOU MORONS” Becky snapped angrily, Austin appeared out of know where holding and inhaler while out of breathe he threw it to Tsunade who then forced it onto Anna who took a few puffs but then passed out.

As time went by Becky sat on the window sill of the hospital room that Anna was in, she hasn’t woken up, “I am so sorry Anna, I had to leave so you could get stronger without me forcing you to become weak…” Becky kept looking out of the window, “there’s gunna be an east wind coming soon, and I want us all to be ready for it.” Becky said now turning her attention to the still unconscious Anna, Becky walked over kissed her head, and left eth room, as soon as she shut the door, “moron, taking quotes from films, really” Anna opened her eyes, “you could of just told me” she said as she sat up looking out of the window, “I am strong, now, thanks to Aisuburū” she said as she got her clothes and jumped out of the window and went into a tree house just outside her flat. “Aisuburū” Anna whispered as she felt a slight purr run through her body ‘you have a half-brother, hmm… who knew that’s great you always wanted one didn’t you?, give them another chance’ she purred in Anna’s mind, Anna chuckled a little, and nodded as slight tears were running down her face as she looked at a photo of Becky, Austin herself and her parents,  ‘not everything is bad in this world, if ya gunna stay you may as well love it’ she purred once more as the voice left her mind, she fell on her bum on a cushion as she reached for what looked like a worn out toy, she gave it a squeeze as she felt tears run down her face “I have a brother” she said as a sad smile came across her face, as a strong pair of arms came from behind one around her head another around her stomach, “I promise as your brother I will protect you and Becky” he said Ann’s eyes grew wide, as she wiggled a little from this surprising grasp but soon enough she gave into the warm hug, “Anna, I am your brother and even if you hate me I will protect you, my name is Zane, I promise you I will” he whispered soflty as he felt Anna her hands as they tightly grasped his jacket.

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