"Oh, come on. My cooking couldn't be that bad. It may look very much burnt and dead on outside, but I bet it's delicious on the inside."

"It's freaking burnt all over the dang thing..."

"IT'S A HAPPY INCIDENT!" retorted Jumin, his eyes sinking into the albino's soul.

"Alright, alright. Fine, taste it. Eat your, 'happy incident'."

"I will," Jumin sliced a peice of the pancake, and took a bite of it. The moment he took his first bite, it was so crunchy and it tasted like rotten cat food. "See, so g-good...."

"Your face is going purple...."

Jumin grabbed his napkin; throwing up in it. "On second thought, fish-shaped bread sounds much better than this crap...."

"Thought so," Zen said, rolling his eyes.


Food Truck

"Thank you!" said Zen, waving goodbye to Mr. Kim who was in the truck. He then handed Jumin a fish-shaped bread. "Here,"

Jumin took a bite out of the bread, and his eyes began to sparkle. "Wow, this is delicious!" He took another bite out of the fish's body.

"Ha-ha, right? What do you want to do today? Isn't tomorrow the RFA party?"

"Hm? Oh, hes... It fs...." Jumin said with a full mouth. He swallowed the piece of bread, and nodded his head.

Zen then began to giggle uncontrollably. "Um, Jumin..."

"What is it? Is someone behind me?"

"No, you just have something on your cheeks." chuckled Zen, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Huh, where?"

Zen motioned his finger at his right cheek, and handed Jumin a napkin. Jumin wiped the left side of his cheek, and looked at the now dirty napkin. "Did I get it?"

"Not exactly," sighed Zen. He took the napkin out of Jumin's hand, and wiped the other side of the cheek with it. "There we go,"

"Thank you, Zen." thanked Jumin.

"Don't mention it."


"Hm? Yes Jumin?"

"Do you know what, donuts are?"

"Pardon me?"

"Are they, some sort of, candy?"

Zen gave Jumin a blank stare; his mouth hanging wide open.

"What? Close your mouth, I don't want you getting flies in it." ordered Jumin, closing Zen's mouth with his own hand forcefully.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A DONUT IS?!" exclaimed Zen, shaking Jumin.

"Uh, n-no?" answered Jumin, his eyes going wide. "Is it relevant information to know what a donut is?"

"No, but REALLY?! Where have you been all your life? Have you been living under a rock or something?"

"No, I've been living in my penthouse."

"I know that! It's an expression!"


"Today, I, Hyun Ryu, will give you, Jumin Han, a day in the commoner lifestyle!" announced Zen, intertwining their arms together.

"Uh, okay?"

Zen grabbed Jumin; dragging him around everywhere. They ended up in a small mall around the outskirts of town. They went to a donut shop, and Jumin picked out a donut; so did Zen. Zen's donut was covered in a baby blue frosting, and had small white coconut sprinkles. Jumin's donut was covered in light purple; a lavender to be exact, and his topping was rainbow sprinkles, a cat face decorated on it as well.

"See, isn't it good?" asked Zen, taking a bite out of his donut.

"Yeah, it really is!" replied Jumin, smiling at the albino.

While passing by a flyer, it caught Zen's attention. "Huh? A flyer for a festival? And it's tonight?!"

"What is it, Zen?"

"Jumin, look! There's a festival going on tonight at 6! Can we go?!"

"Ha-ha, sure. Why not? It sounds very, fun."

"Yay!" Zen cheered, hugging Jumin's arm like a 7-year old.


Festival||Monday Night

"Jumin, it's so pretty tonight. Don't you agree?" sighed Zen, looking up at the stars.

"It is pretty tonight... But, I know something that's much more beautiful,"

"What's that? The moon?"

"No, your smile..." smirked Jumin, lifting Zen's chin to be leveled with his.

Zen flushed a bright pink, his eyes going wide. "Jumin....that's so sweet. Thank you... I.... I admire your smile as well." Zen said, kissing Jumin lightly on the cheek before walking ahead of him a couple of inches.

Jumin blinked twice, and smiled. I hope he ends up remembering me.... thought Jumin. "Hey, Zen! Wait up!" the 27-year old called out, running up to the albino male.

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