playing test

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Last Tuesday our band director told us that we will have a playing test on one of out peices of music. But the thing about it is that we can't play it in class we have to play it for her in the morning or not in our class period. You have to play the playing test to her by Wednesday  ( tomorrow  February 1st ). Only one person has played it for her. A flue player. She said if u don't play it then your not going to MPA. Today she got on us about it. She was really serious. If you play the playing test your going to MPA no if's, ands, or buts. But if u don't play it and your not keeping up then she cuts you from MPA. I'm going to play the piece of music for her tomorrow. We have to play the ENTIRE piece of music top to bottom beginning to end. and if u don't do well on that then your not going to MPA either. Me and my friend  ( a girl saxophone player  ) are going to play it for her tomorrow. BTW there are 35 people in our band.

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