Chapter 4- Chipotle

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Monday, January 16th, 2017-------------------------------------- "Chipotle"

9:43 a.m.

Brennen's POV

Waking up to the sound of Kopi whimpering, why?  I don't know.  He must want outside or something.

Walking into the living room, wiping my eyes to be prepared for the light, I noticed that Kopi wasn't whimpering to go outside.

He was playing with Jake.  "Get it Kopi!  Come on!  Here, fetch!" Jake threw the tennis ball across the room, almost hitting my T.V.

"Jake watch it!" I said sternly.

"Sorrrrryyyy." He yawned, probably still tired.

"I'M MAKING BREAKAFAASSSSSSSSSSSTTT!" All of a sudden, I heard a,"Woops!" And a pancake flew past my head.

I looked in the direction it came from and saw Colby holding a spatula.  Laughing his ass off.

Then I heard laughing coming from Jake's direction.  "Ohmigosh!" I looked at him and there sat Kopi, eating the pancake.

I facepalmed and walked in Colby's direction.  "Let me do it." I snatched the spatula from him and poured the batter onto the pan.  "Remind me to never let you cook." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Hey do any of you know where Quinn lives?" Jake walked into the kitchen and sat at the table.

"No," Me and Colby said at the same time.  "How are we going to get in touch with her then?" I shrugged and continued making pancakes.

"Maybe we'll bump into her on the streets sometime soon?" Colby suggested.  "I don't know, I don't even know the girl, you guys don't even know the girl, why would you care?" I asked.

"New friends!" Colby cheered.  I rolled my eyes and placed pancakes on their plates.

Colby's POV

After breakfast, I decided to go out and see if I could find Quinn walking around town.  I walked out towards the hill that me and Jake saw her at for the first time.

Halfway up, I heard snores coming from a bush.  "H-hello?" I asked.  More snores.

Must be some homeless guy.  I pushed opened the bushes.

Quinn.  "Hey!  Quinn!  Wake up!" I shook her awake, she grabbed one of my arms, which were on her shoulders.  "Colby?" She asked.  "Yeah, it's me."  She fell right back to sleep.

I picked her up and sighed.

Good thing Brennen's house isn't far from here.

Jake's POV

I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram when I heard the door open then shut.  I turned around to see if Colby was back and he was, but with someone in his arms.

I looked closely and sure enough, it was Quinn.

"Colby?  Why is she, um?  I mean I'm glad she is here but, why is she sleeping?" I asked with my arms crossed.  "I found her sleeping in a bush." He pointed at Quinn.

I raised an eyebrow and kept my arms crossed.  "In a bush?" "Yes, don't believe me?" "Nope.  Not one bit." "Okay, when she wakes up we will ask her."

We stared at her, waiting for her to return to reality by opening her eyes.  Quinn started to stir around and soon opened her eyes.  She saw us staring at her and she froze in place.

"C-Colby?  Jake?  Why are you...... how did I get here?" She asked quietly.  "I found you sleeping in a bush and brought you here!" Colby raised his hand.

"How did you know where I was?" She got suspicious.  "I went on a walk to see if I could run into you again and then found you in the bush."

Just then, Brennen walked into the room.  "Quinn?  When did you get here?  And why is your hair all messed up?  Colby, Jake, what did you guys do while I was in the bathroom?" Brennen asked us.  "Um not a love triangle if that's what your thinking.  I found her in a-" "Okay!  Can we please stop talking about me being in a bush?!" Quinn yelled.

Brennen looked at her funny.  "Girl you were in a bush?  Why" She rolled her eyes.  "Long story." She mumbled something after that but, we couldn't understand it.

Quinn's POV

"Long story, a 14 year long story." I mumbled the last part so they couldn't hear.  My past doesn't need to be brought up, I'm finally making friends for once in my life.

"Okay well, do you guys want to go to Chipotle or something?" Brennen waved his car keys around.  "What's Chipotle?" I asked.  They looked at me with wide eyes.  I laughed,"Just kidding!  Let's go!"

We hopped into Brennen's truck and drove off to Chipotle.  I've never been there before but I've heard people talk about it.

I bounced in my seat with excitement.  "Girl do you need a chill pill?" Colby asked.  Me and him were in the back seats while Brennen and Jake were up front.  "Sorry, I just have never been to Chipotle before!  I've heard about but have always wanted to know what it was like!"  I squealed.

"Don't even get me started!  You haven't ate real food until you've had Chipotle!" Brennen said while still focused on the road.

That just made me bounce in my seat even more.

Soon we arrived at the wonderful Chipotle and I ran inside right when the truck was in park.  I heard the boys get out and laugh.  They followed behind me as we were seated to a table.

I sat down and Brennen sat next to me with Jake and Colby across from us.  Brennen got out his camera that we used for yesterday.  "Hey guys so me, Jake, Colby, and Quinn are at Chipotle.  But guess what?  Quinn has never ate Chipotle before!" He pointed the camera at me and I went sunk down a little bit.

"So we are going to record her reaction!" He pointed the camera back at himself and started talking about how his morning was going.

After a few minutes of laughing and talking, the waitress came and let me tell you, she was flirting, with Jake.  Whenever she looked at him she would get these daydream eyes.  When she asked for his order, she said,"And what would you like big man?" She winked at him.  Winked!

Me, Brennen, and Colby tried so hard to contain our laughter as Jake ordered his food.  The waitress got our orders but she wouldn't leave.  She tried to get Jake's number,"My name's Maria, do you want to talk sometime?" She leaned on our table, popping her booty out.

That only made it worse for us to not laugh.  Jake was in the worst position ever!  He was trying so hard to get her to leave.  Finally, Maria went away and as soon as she did, we all bursted into laughter!

"Oh my gosh,"Brennen wiped tears from his eyes.  "Did you get that all on video?" Colby asked.  Brennen nodded.  "I'm never ever, going to forget that!" I laughed and held my stomach.

Jake just crossed his arms,"You guys are mean." We kept laughing and didn't stop until our food came.

"Okay guys, time for the big moment," Brennen pointed the camera back at me,"Eat it!  Eat it!" They all started to chant,"Eat it!  Eat it!  Eat it!" I took a bite of the burrito thing I ordered.  "Oh my gosh!  This is so good!" I ate more of it.

"Yay she likes it!" Colby cheered to the camera.

I think I've finally found people who care about me.  I smiled as they all cheered and ate.  This is where I belong.


SHE ATE CHIPOTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pictured the scene where the waitress flirted with Jake and laughed out loud.

I literally lol'd.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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