Chapter 1- The Drop Off

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2005---------------- The Day Of "The Drop Off"


A home is where your heart should be, and what keeps you warm in the cold nights of winter or what keeps you air conditioned in the hot days of summer.  But most of all, it's where you will find your family.

Families are different in many ways.  There could be a mother a father and two sons, or there could be just a father and his twin daughters.  There could be a dog and a cat with a mother and a father along side three sons and a daughter.  As you can see, families are different.

Families also have their issues.  Someone could have lost their job, a close relative might have died.  Or maybe, someone was diagnosed with a disease like leukemia, cancer, ebola, tuberculosis, etc.

But for this family, their issue is, divorce.


Sunday, March 3rd, 2005---------------- The Day Of "The Drop Off"

Brennen's POV

"What?!  You can't do that!  We didn't even talk about this yet!" Jake yelled.  I am only eight years old, I don't even know what's going on.  Jake is nearing the age of 11, so he probably knows more about this situation.  Jess is only one year old, so she doesn't understand anything.

The only thing I'm gaining from this scene they are pulling, is the sound of arguing.  Jake keeps yelling at my Mom and Dad and they keep yelling back.  

I don't know the reason why yet, but I'm pretty sure I will find out soon.

"Jake we have made our decision and that is final!" My Dad's voice echoed throughout the house making Jess start crying.

I ran over to her crib to try and calm her down and soon she was fast asleep.

As I was heading back into the living room, Jake went the opposite way of me, mumbling words I couldn't understand.

"Brennen, I'm surprised your doing fine with all of this." Mom said.

"Oh, I just don't understand what a divorce is."


Poor Brennen, so young yet so clueless.  Just imagine what happened when he found out what a divorce was!  He would probably have the same reaction as Jake.

Next we have the story of a young girl named Quinn.

We call her story "The Drop Off".

And that's because it's exactly what it sounds like.


Sunday, March 3rd, 2005---------------- The Day Of "The Drop Off"

Quinn's POV

I could here my Mommy and Daddy talking in the kitchen about work.  That's so boring!

I just go to school for half a day and that's fun, but there is no pay and that's not fair!

"I don't know what we are going to do!" My Mommy cried out.  I looked at them confused and they looked at me, then back at each other.

"Um sweetheart, do you mind going into your room for a little while?" My Daddy asked me kindly.  "Sure!" He shooed me out of the kitchen and I ran into my room.

I started playing with my barbies but then my Mommy and Daddy came in and looked like they were going to cry.  "Honey let me help you pack your bags." My Mommy said.  "Why would I need my bags packed?" I asked.

"Cause' we are going on a road trip." My Daddy said sadly.  Why would they be sad about a road trip?  It should be lots of fun!

Me and my Mommy spent like almost, 500 minutes trying to fit my dresser into my suitcase.

She also put in some Doritos and Cheese-Itz too, in case I get hungry.

"Is she ready and packed?" Daddy came inside my room to check if I was ready.  "Yes Patrick." Mommy said.

"Alright come on let's go!" I pulled my bag out the front door and waited anxiously for my Mom and Dad.

When they stepped out the door and hopped into the car, I looked around for their bags because I couldn't see them.  "Mommy, Daddy, where are your bags?" "Um, they are already at our destination." "Oh okay." I sat back in my seat and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was sleeping on my suitcase on the sidewalk.  I watched my Mommy and my Daddy drive away in our mini van, and I just sat there, confused.


As you can see, both families are a little wrong in the head.  But they are no different then my family and yours.

Brennen, Jake and Jess, are dealing with a divorce between their Mother and their Father. Jess won't even remember her father because of how young she is.

Quinn has been left out on the sidewalk, she watched her parents drive away from her.  Imagine how that must have felt!

Now she is all alone, she has been on the streets for 11 years, stealing food and working for money.  She had a small apartment ever since she was 14.

Now Brennen and Quinn are both 21 years old, what happens when their stories matchup and their paths cross?

I'll Lead You Through The StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora