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emmali: hey

spence_r: Hi.

emmali: ooo, a proper grammar guy?? you're quite the rare breed

spence_r: I said one word.

emmali: most guys start with 'send nudes' so you're doing pretty well so far

spence_r: Why would anyone request pornography when there's a seemingly endless free supply available on the Internet?

emmali: I don't know man, people are weird

spence_r: I never specified that I identify as male.

emmali: it's on your profile dork

spence_r: My bad.

spence_r: The terms of use said that other users can only view my profile if we are a 65% match or higher.


emmali: that's weirdly attractive the fuck

spence_r: The email I received said we are an 87% percent match.

emmali: yeah?

spence_r: I reviewed your profile before replying to your initial message. On surface value, we have very little in common.

emmali: honestly i thought the same thing

emmali: but i thought hey why not give it a go?

emmali: actually my friend told me to message you or she'd kill me

spence_r: That's a threat to your life. Your friend could be arrested for saying such a thing.

emmali: nah she's harmless

emmali: she has trouble buttering her bread without help

spence_r: I once encountered a disabled man who murdered several people with the assistance of his parents.

emmali: holy fuck man

emmali: that's both amazing and terrifying as all hell

emmali: that'd be a fantastic horror movie

spence_r: I'm not a fan of horror movies.

emmali: neither am I. I prefer psychological thrillers and sci-fi flicks.

spence_r: Those are my preferred movie genres as well, though the science tends to be wrong.

emmali: that's the fun tho!! making fun of all the crazy shit ignorant assholes come up with

emmali: they hardly ever do research and it's actually hilarious

spence_r: Are you a scientist?

emmali: no, my mom was tho. she used to show me star wars and stuff and point out all the wrong stuff

emmali: wbu?

spence_r is typing...

emmali: um, you've been typing for like three minutes

emmali: you okay buddy

spence_r: I'm sorry, I had to ask my friend what 'wbu' means.

emmali: OMG

emmali: you're so pure i can't wait to ruin you

emmali: oops that sounded vaguely sexual

emmali: as you were saying?

spence_r: I'm not quite comfortable sharing this information with you yet. Is it okay if I wait to tell you until we know each better?

emmali: I have no idea if that was intentional but that was fucking smooth

emmali: I have to go, I have work to do

emmali: it was quite lovely talking to you spence

spence_r: It was a pleasure speaking to you as well, Emma.

endearing ❣ spencer reidحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن