Protect the bridge-builder

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Reina's POV .

"What's your distance from the target?"

"5 meters. Just give the signal. I'm ready." Naruto said.

"I'm ready too." I said quietly.

"Me too"  Now Sasuke.

"So am I." And Sakura.

"Okay..." Kakashi paused."Now!!!"

We all jumped towards the cat. But Naruto was the who catched. And it looks like that cat was quite angry because Naruto's face torn apart.

"Identify target. Does she have a red ribbon oh her left ear?" Kakashi asked. I confirmed. "Right. Lost pet Torra captured. Mission accomplished."

"Can't we get better mission than this I HATE cats!!!" Naruto shouted angrily.


"For squad 7 we have several available tasks. Babysitting 3 years old kid. Helping a woman shopping." Hokage said. 

 "Nooo! I want to go on a real mission!" Naruto announced 

'He's got a point' Sasuke admitted

'I knew this was coming' Kakashi thought.

'Yeah a normal mission would be cool,but these tasks are fun too.'  I thought.

"Listen up. These requests are carefully recorded analysed and ranked A,B,C or D depending by their difficulty. We ninja's are or ranked.." Hokage was speaking further.

"So I had Tonkatsu ramen yesterday and I ate miso ramen today." Our squad listened even Kakashi sensei listened to Naruto instead of Hakage.

"Okay whatever. You can have C ranked mission." Everyone was surprised by Hokage. "You will be bodyguards on a journey."

 "Really!? Who we will be guarding a princess?"

"Send in our visitor."

 Old man appeared drinking beer. " What the, a bunch of kids? And you the little one with the idiotic look on his face, you're really expect me to believe you're a ninja?" He said pointing at Naruto.

"I will demolish you hear me?" Naruto was angry. Kakashi was holding Naruto.

"You can't demolish the person, witch you must protect."

"I'm Tazuna a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building the bridge that will change our country. And I expect you to get me there safely." He finished his sentence and his bottle.

After 1 hour at the village gate.

"Oh yeah! This is the first time I'm leaving the village. I'm a traveler now believe it." I was excited too since I never left this village too.

"Hey am supposed to entrust my life to this piece of joke" Tazuna insulted Naruto again.

"He is with me and I'm jounin so you have nothing to worry about."


We been walking for three hours through the forest. And out of nowhere two ninja's appeared chaining Kakashi.

"What?!?" Kakashi shouted.

"Huhh?!" Sakura looked at two ninja surprised.

"Kakashi-sensei!!" Naruto thought that Kakashi was already done for. 

After they dealt with Kakashi those started rushing towards Naruto.

"Now it's your turn" One of them said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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