Chapter Twenty-Four

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Dinner at the restaurant was flawless, not just because of the setting and the wonderful ambiance, but because of how William acted. It was like he was a whole new person reborn. He was charming, sweet, thoughtful, and enthusiastic. I caught myself staring at him too many times. Even dad and mum were both surprised, but they immediately adjusted and was already engaged in William's new personality.

"So how did your rehearsal go?" Mum asked, as she daintily took a bite of the Waldorf salad.

"It was great. Everyone really seemed to be into it, they're giving their best." William replied smiling vibrantly.

"And William seemed to shine the most." I added, glancing at him with a proud smile.

William smiled back, a little too long, a little too warm, and a little too sweet, but mum and dad didn't seem to notice his subtle expressions because they were too busy absorbing the new William. I have never seen mum so overjoyed, and dad can't seem to wipe off this proud smile from his face. All because of William, and I can't help but be happy for them, after all they've  been through physically, and especially emotionally.

"How about some wine?" Dad suggested, smiling and flicking a hand at a waiter who bowed and took off, half-sprinting and half-walking as if he didn't know whether to run because his boss ordered him something or to walk with dignity like a professional. We had a little chitchat while we waited for the wine.

"Say dad." William began.

"Yes?" Dad looked up from his wild raspberry chiffon cake, setting down his fork.

"How about letting me work at the restaurant in the summer?" He asked quietly, playing with his fork, swirling it around the icing and letting it fall against the plate.

There was a clutter of silverware against a plate at mum's side. We all turned expectantly, mum's eyes were brimming with tears. She smiled, and placed both of her hands on her lips half-cupping them.

"Of--of course William! I'd be glad to have you back!" Dad exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

I couldn't be any happier for this family.


I was staring at the ceiling with all of my limbs splayed out, I was just breathing so calmly. It was already 2 AM and I still couldn't sleep. There were a lot of things that had been running inside my mind ever since this morning, I'm surprised they haven't grown tired yet.

Tossing around uncomfortably, and making my bed as messier as it can be, I sat up so quickly that is made me bounce. This action was followed by a tired, frustrated groan. I gently slapped my face with both hands, and groaned some more, falling against the bed and rolling around. It was too late to notice and I fell off with a loud thump.

"Ow!" I yelped, and quickly added a whisper of, "Sorry." Even if no one was around.

Suddenly, I heard an urgent knocking on my door. Regaining my posture, I hurriedly made my way to the door with almost stumbling against the fur carpet.

"Yes?" I asked trying to brush my hair furiously out of my eyes, before even recognizing who knocked, and it was already too late until I realized it may be a thief, because who would knock at this ungodly hour?

"Are you alright?" It was William, with his concerned face and half-naked body, he was only wearing shorts. And I discreetly averted my eyes away, "I heard something fell then you yelled."

"Oh it was nothing. I just fell from the bed." I shrugged, still averting my eyes away from him, and instead I suddenly found my toes so interesting.

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