Elisabete processed everything he said to her and Loki watched as a wide smile formed on her face. He watched the blush creep onto her cheeks and the bashful look in her eyes. It took everything in him to not push her against the wall and ravish her right then and there.

"I understand, my king. And I thank you for your kind words. It's always been my pleasure to serve you and I hope I always will." Elisabete replied.

Loki grinned as he released her arms and let out a sigh as Elisabete bowed her head and curtsied before him. He took her hands in his and Elisabete quickly looked up at him as he helped her back up to stand up straight.

"You are very loyal to me, girl. I don't know what I've done to deserve it, frankly." Loki told her.

"I am loyal to you because you've done all that you can to make Asgard better for us, my king. My family would die for you...as would I." Elisabete spoke honestly.

"And I thank you for that. Although, there are still hundreds of people who'd rather kill me than die for me." Loki added.

"I am aware of that too, my king. In fact, I live in a village were the people primarily dislike you." Elisabete commented.

"Really? Why not move?" Loki scoffed.

"We would but years ago, my parents both fell ill and are unable to leave their beds. My brother and I would leave the village for better prospects but, we have to care for them and cannot move as a result." Elisabete explained to him.

"I am sorry to hear that, girl. I hope your parents get better soon." Loki told her.

"Thank you , my king." Elisabete spoke with a smile on her face.

"Now, be on your way home. It's getting dark. Be safe." Loki told Elisabete.

"I'll do my best, my king." Elisabete chuckled as she beamed.

The two bowed their heads and Loki watched her as she left the quarters. He made his way to his observatory and started the fire, watching her through it.

Her way back home was safe and she didn't get into any sort of trouble. However, she did run into Edric, who put himself in her way to speak with her. She put on a smile as she passed him and sighed as he called out her name.

"Yes, Edric. What is it?" Elisabete asked.

"I want to apologize for the way I've been acting as of late. It's just you know how the king makes me feel. Knowing you work for him and what he's like gets me worked up. I'm just trying to look out for you, if that makes any sense." Edric explained to her.

Elisabete let out a deep breath as she smiled and nodded her head. She appreciated his honesty. He had always been a good friend to her and she knew she couldn't have stayed mad at him for too long.

"Thank you for apology. I know you aren't fond of the king, but I am. And if you wish to remain friends, you must respect that. I take personal offence whenever you speak badly about him." Elisabete told Edric.

"I know. I respect you, Elisabete. I will do much better from now on." Edric told her.

"Good." Elisabete chuckled.

"We are still friends then, no?" Edric asked.

"Yes, yes we are." Elisabete laughed.

"Great. Good night, Elisabete. Tell your parents I hope they feel better soon." Edric told her.

"I will. Thank you and good night, Edric." Elisabete beamed.

She continued on her way back to her home and Edric sighed in defeat as he watched her walk off. His eyes gazed up and down her body and he bit his lip as he saw her hips sway back and forth. Loki's fists clenched at his sides. He narrowed his eyes at the image before while his jaw clenched. He angrily cast the fire away and groaned before turning around and making his way back to his chambers. There, he found Sanit fast asleep in his bed. He smiled weakly as he walked over to her and watched her for a few moments. Before he went to change into his night clothes, he laid a soft kiss to her head. He carefully stood from the bed and made his way into his closet. Putting on his clothes, he found himself thinking about his relationship with Sanit.

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