What went down

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What a sight it was. Noora was clinging on to my brother like a leach and I so badly wanted to pull her by the hair and throw her far far away from him. And then there was Hamza of course not looking the slightest bit pleased. And there was Mr. Adeel Arman in all his unwavering glory who probably caused the witch to shriek and his expression was of course, neutral darn it.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something. I came here to discuss some urgent business."

Well I'm glad he stopped them from getting comfortable, I wonder what story Noora made up this time that made my brother express his condolences. How disgusting, she runs into the arms of a man like that.

"Not at all, how about we go to the living room?" My brother chuckles awkwardly and finally the infernal leach decided to look Adeel straight in the eyes.

Something in her face changed. Like she was told the genie will in fact grant her three wishes and her dreams will come true.

I did not like that look one bit. And I knew what was coming.

Noora untangled herself from my brother and all embarrassment from being caught or whatever emotion she was going through gone, she smiled her dazzling smile at Adeel.

"Hey, I'm Noora. Hamza's cousin."

His perceptive eyes just swept over her once and then he looked straight at my brother and said,

"Assalamu alaikum, I'm Adeel. Please excuse us lady, I'd like to talk to your cousin here."

The finality in his tone had me slow clapping for him.

And the look on Noora's face for being turned down wanted me to do a handstand and go galloping like a happy unicorn farting rainbows.

In my imagination of course.

Still don't catch why my brother doesn't catch it.

"Diya care to join us?"

Snapping me out of my little day dream was my brother looking at me for help. I saw desperation in his eyes and being the hero I always was, I found myself agreeing.

I mean like who would want to be left alone with a lunatic and a hard headed man? Not me.

Guess that wouldn't be the case.

"I'd like to talk to you, alone."

"Is it that important?"

"Yes, Hamza you have wasted approximately 10 minutes of my time. This is important and I have places to be, so if you don't mind.." And he turned and walked away.

So my brother followed him like a lost puppy and I have to admit Adeel had some issues.

Still wonder what he does for a living.


"Who is he?" Noora perked up immediately.

"Oh I don't know...one of Hamza's friends."

"He's a catch."

Yeah whatever.

I got out of there avoiding further conversation with Noora and instead headed straight to the guest room, that was adjacent to the living room.

I knew eavesdropping wasn't allowed, curiosity always got the better of me. But to my disappointment I couldn't hear a thing.

So I got on with readjusting the already perfect bedspread and arranging things in the wardrobe. Apparently Noora had to be sleeping over here so I was careful not to touch her things until something fell out of her half opened luggage.

I picked it up and just before I was going to place it, I saw what it was.

A picture?

Of Yusuf, Yusuf from the party?

Now that was absurd. Why would she have a picture of him?

Questions started flooding my mind and when I heard the shuffling of footsteps outside I quickly placed it back and pretended like I just used the washroom.

When the footsteps receded I started moving out of the room and I let my thoughts flow freely. And most importantly,

How did she know Yusuf?


"What's up. You look a little off."

He run a hand through his hair and from what I know of my little brother he does that when he feels helpless.

"I don't know Diya....it's like things are getting out of hand."

"Adeel came to deliver bad news?"


"Did he threaten you? Interrupt in your businesses? I will have his head on a platter and deliver it to you-"

"No! He did come to deliver bad news, and....and..advise me about it."

"What is it?"

He looked up and searched my face. I already had a hint of what was to come. Even when we were younger, Hamza would search my face before admitting a mistake. It was like he wanted to figure out if I'd flip or just be upset.

You know the thing you'd usually expect from your mother?

Well I was more than a sister him, I was also a mother when I had to be, because we didn't have ours for long.

He took a deep breath and, "I made a mistake, I don't know why I did it but I did. A few weeks ago this man came to me with a deal, it was hard to resist him because I was in huge loss after that collapse in our North Branch. He offered me a pretty descent amount for starting a bar in our hotel...."

My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened. Hamza flinched because apparently that was not it.

"So I took it in desperation and...and he also gave.....interest...and I accepted that too. I was making good money, I paid for all the damage and everything was back to normal." He paused to see if I would say anything but I remained silent.

"The guy who started the bar is wanted for some illegal activities. I was new to all of this and we didn't control anything or have any guidelines so shit went down in the bar last night and this obscenely rich and powerful guy wants to sue us...."

And he lowered his voice

"...it was murder, and it'll be all over the news soon...."

My heart sank.

That did it.

Hamza was anticipating something and all I could do was be silent.

It was not even the calm before the storm, it was just the sound of disappointment.

Disappointment in not only my brother, but in myself for being so negligent about him.


I took deep breaths to steady myself.

"Yes Hamza, we need to talk."

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