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Finally I was summoned to the aisle where thousands of people are waiting to see me getting married to a complete stranger.

"Mittu, look down and smile shyly, okay?" My aunt advised. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Like seriously? 

I silently did as she asked me to do and was led towards the aisle which was actually an elevated stage which faced a huge crowd. I was not supposed to look up and I didn't mind.

Maybe no one will believe me but I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing, while I walked towards the man I was getting married to. I didn't even feel the excitement to look at him.

What was his name again? I wondered. But for the love of god, I couldn't remember. 

I vaguely remember the conversation that I had with my mom.

6 weeks ago:

"See this picture, he is so handsome and the best part, his father is the local MLA....." I stopped hearing the rest of my mothers babble. I was not interested that was plain simple. I don't want to get married, especially not to a politicians son.
Born in a conservative family I had to compromise on a lot of things. Even when it comes to choosing your life partner, I didn't have a choice. Not that I was looking forward to it, but still... If I really have no other choice but to marry then I would chose someone who wouldn't breathe over my shoulder. at every second of my life and let me live my life the way I want to live. But like I said, I don't have a choice.

My father told me that he has finalised my wedding with a politician's son. They belong to our caste and are rich. Two reasons for my parents to get their daughter married off to a stranger.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i wasn't ready to hear anything that my mother was telling me about the guy.

"Yes" I told her loud and clear. One word which made my mom very happy.


The rituals continued for a long time, all the while I had my head bent down as instructed. My hand was guided to put the tamarind paste on the groom's head. A heavy hand was placed on my head. A yellow thread was tied around my neck and a pair of hands put toering on my foot. Everything happened and I still kept my head down in the stubborn way.

Why should I see him? I have the speech ready which I am going to give him on our first night. He can decide afterwards if he wants me or not.

My thoughts were interrupted when a young girl stopped me along with the entire crowd that was entering the new house,

"You have to tell your wife's name. Only then I will allow" she said jovially. I understood that she is my husband's sister. I heard that she is getting married in a couple of months. Because of some horoscope issues he had to get married before his sister, which i otherwise quiet unlikely to happen.

I heard a deep sigh from beside me and goosebumps erupted on my skin. Why does this feel so.... familiar?

Before I could process what's happening, "I have come along with my fine, Maithili", said the same rough voice which I recognised so well.

Suddenly my heart beat increased and my hands started sweating. I was not as confident or strong as I was a while ago.

It can't be him. It can't be him. He is not a brahmin. He doesn't even have a sister. How can his father be a politician? It's not him. It's not....

"Say my name" his hot breath caressed my cheek as he whispered into my ears. "Everyone's waiting mittu" he said and I stopped breathing.

"Shiva" I whispered but the applause that I got from behind me told me that everyone heard me utter my husband's name.

My husband, who was my ex boyfriend.

Ex Boyfriend Turned HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now