Found You Chp.2

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Your POV

"(Y/n)! Wake up! We made it to Balbaad." I groan in response and bury myself in the blankets. And start sleeping again.

"(Y/n)...." There's a pause of silence, then I can here footsteps leading out of the room. He finally left. I've heard of a place called Balbaad before, my father used to travel there for trading purposes. I think he brought me once but when I was very young. My mother never liked to travel so she would stay at the palace and run things while he was gone. As I'm starting to get comfortable, I hear the footsteps coming back into the room. Can't he just leave me alone?

  "Sin just lea-" I was cut off by cold water splash across my face. I sit up immediately and give Sinbad a cold glare. His mouth made an O and he started to back up slowly, dropping the bucket he used to carry the water.

"SIN...BAD!" I jump out of the bed and start chasing him. He flinches at the volume of my voice and runs away for dear life.
He runs out to the main deck passing by Jafar and Mystras. They watch as Sinbad is trying his best to find something to hide in, while I also make it out to the deck and spot Sinbad trying to hop into a barrel.

No One's POV
"I'm glad I wasn't the one waking up (y/n)" Mystras says while watching what's happening in front of them.

  "I'm starting to like (y/n) even more now." Jafar says while you are dragging Sinbad by the ear.

"Ow ow ok ok I'm sorry! You weren't waking up so I had to" Sinbad pleads with you.

  "Ugh." You let go of his ear and he starts to rub it, trying to make it feel better but fails miserably.
"Try waking me up a different way next time." You start to walk back to your room, but glance up to see a beautiful kingdom lay right before your eyes. How did you not see this before? This does bring back some foggy memories of coming here once with your father. It seems like nothing changed.

  "Have you been here before?" Sinbad asks while rubbing his ear one last time.

  "Once with my father. But that was when I was only a small child. But it seems the same." You take one last look at the huge country, the turn around and head back to your room to put on dry clothes.

Time Skip to after your done changing ;)

You walk back out with a light purple tank top covered by a dark blue vest along with a red scarf covering your neck. And some plain gray shorts with some sort of red belt. On your arms you have bandaging going all the way up to a little under your elbows. (I'm not good with making outfits so I thought Tetras outfit would look cute, I'll add a picture on the top, ok back to the story)

  "Sorry about... ruining your clothes. But I'm somewhat glad I did because you look absolutely stunning in these clothes." Sinbad says almost purring. And also adding a little wink at the end.

  "SIN!" Jafar karate chops Sin on top of the head making him fall straight down. Jafar may be small but don't underestimate his strength.

"T-thanks Jafar but I've dealt with people like this before." Yeah...once! What Sinbad had said did make you blush, but you hid it before anyone could see. Thank goodness. And even if you have dealt with some other guy who did the same thing, you were always swooned easily. It's very sad.
   Sinbad looks up to you, with a very hurt expression. You've known him for more then a day now and he's been acting like a child. A handsome child.

  "Well let's start heading out. Sinbad doesn't want to be late again to another IMPORTANT meeting... does he?" Jafar looks down at Sinbad.

  "Yes, let's go!"

Woah, another Time Skip. Two in one story. Dang I sure am lazy.

Your POV
I look at all the colorful fruits and vegetables that the venders are selling. Everyone here seems nice. Like I said before, nothing seems to have changed. There's not only food but jewelry and other valuable metals. A pair of earrings  catches your eye. They both had small opal spheres that hanged on a thin silver string. Everytime it's put up to the light they shine brightly. Very beautiful indeed. But of course out of your budget. You place them back down. And catch up to the others. You look around but Sin isn't there.

"Where's Sin?" You ask while looking around the area.

  "He said he needed to go to the bathroom. And told us to wait here." Jafar looks down and kicks a pebble that was on the ground.
"It's been ten minutes."

"Maybe he got lost?" 

  "I doubt it. He's been here several times. He's probably killing another women with his charms." Jafar is now pacing around. He seems pretty pissed.
"AT this rate he'll be late. AGAIN!" He stops walking and looks behind me. " THERE YOU ARE!" Jafar stomps his way over to Sinbad and grabs his hand to start dragging him to the palace where the meeting is.

"Wait wait." Jafar stops pulling him and Sinbad walks over to me. He holds out a closed hand while the other hand grabs mine. He puts my hand under his closed one and drops a small box onto my palm. I look at it and he nods for me to open it. I slowly open it to reveal the earrings I was just looking at.

  "H-how?" I ask bewildered.

  "When I was coming back I saw you looking at them. I could tell you wanted them."

"No, this is to much." I try to hand them back but he just shoves them back to me.

"Keep them, think of it as a symbol of our friendship." He smiles and walks ahead to an angry Jafar and confused Hinahoho and Mystras. I stand there still shocked. I look down at them. He got these for me? I start to blush. FOR ME? I take them out and put them on. I look and ahead and they are already far ahead of me, now about to turn a corner. I start to run up to them but I accidentally ran into a man that is wearing all black.

"Sorry sir." I stand back up a keep running.

"Wait girlie, I have a question for you." The man takes out a piece of paper that was cramped inside of his coat. I turn around to look at the paper he is now showing me. My heart had completely stopped.

"It's about time I found you...."

What a good way to end
chapter. Kinda cleshe right? Welp I'm trying to make it interesting. Tell me if the characters seem out of character. Idk if... they're in character or... idk. BUT  I hope you enjoyed this chapter . The outfit your wearing will be in the pictures on the top. But I will see yall in the next chapter. Toodles!


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