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"Now that I watch this movie over again," Ashton said. "They foreshadow so much in the beginning."

By now it was about 11:00pm, Ashton's grandmother had come back but she was asleep now, and we were both cuddled up on the couch rewatching the greatest movie ever. Ashton's body was pretty much ontop of mine, his head resting in the crook of my neck as my fingers ran through his messy hair. We've been sitting like this for the whole movie, our breathing in sync and my hand lazily running from his hair to his back. I've come to the realization that Ashton likes it when I do that, because everytime I do he just snuggles in closer to me. So, obviously, I ended up doing that a lot.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like when Jack says that getting on the boat is gonna change their lives," Ashton replied. He perked his head up to look at me, his eyes bright green. "Of course it's gonna change their lives they're all gonna die."

"Situational irony." I added.

"No Lovey it would be dramatic irony," Ashton replied sweetly.

"Well fuck I don't need your knowledge right now!" I laughed, kissing the top of his head softly.

By the time the boat started to sink again, Ashton made me cover his eyes every now and then. It was pretty adroable; to see him still so into this part in the movie. "Oh my God, yes." He groaned, pulling my hands away from his eyes and wrapping his hands around my finger tips and tucking them under his chest. I don't think he's realized how much he's played around with my hand in the past hour; but I sure did. "GO TO HIM ROSE."

I watched as Rose hopped from boat to boat, running after Jack again. This part amazes me, to be honest. I mean, she was about to live, yet she went back to die with Jack. Well, maybe she thought they would both live, but nope.

As much as I tried to focus on the movie, I couldn't. My mind was full of a number of things: One being relief at the fact that Ashton seems fine right now, and two being the fact that that could all change in one second. I still don't understand it; he's been nothing but happy since we've started dating, which is what Mchael had told me. Why is it all of a sudden that he's so anxious?


By the time the movie ended, it was past midnight. "Remind me to go out and buy that mother fucker on DVD." Ashton chuckled, scooting up my body so his face rested next to mine. With a tired sigh we both went silent for a little while, Ashton's hand softly rubbing over my stomach.

"You know," I quietly laughed. "You have a bed."

"I know," Ashton replied. "But I'm comfy." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and we both went quiet again. "Actually fuck this I have no room." Ashton laughed, getting up and holding out a hand for me. I followed him into his bedroom, softly shutting the door behind me. I dug through the closet for something of his to wear to bed while I heard him taking out his contacts in the bathroom. I decided on a plain white t-shirt that was soft and smelled like him, and those sweat pants that I've come to know and love. Instantly I felt more comfortable. I settled onto Ashton's bed to wait for him, but once again my mind wondered off.

Just ask him about it. I thought to myself. As tempting as that sounds, something told me I shouldn't. Even though I felt like this whole situation isn't a big deal, I really don't want another episode like last night's to happen. Maybe I should just keep quiet, and see what happens tonight.

Ashton came into the room, brushing his hair over with his fingers before hopping onto the bed beside me, both of us sitting criss-cross apple suace ontop of the blankets. I looked over to Ashton, who stared down at his hands.

The Chase ▹ Ashton IrwinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz