The Signs Drunk

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The signs drunk:

Aries: loud, sloppy, sexual, prone to doing stupid things

Taurus: is way too happy and tells everyone they look pretty

Gemini: risk-taking, sexual, flirtatious

Cancer: tells bad jokes, very loud and flirtatious, then gets really weepy

Leo: the king of sloppy drunks, slurs, vomits on people, falls down a lot

Virgo: Is either REALLY LOUD or get quieter and quieter until they pass out

Libra: extremely flirtatious, overly friendly, basically themselves except x10

Scorpio: gets hella turns up and fun, then ends up crying about their love life and passing out

Sagittarius: loud and risk-taking, possibly an angry drunk

Capricorn: is really good at hiding the fact that they're drunk...until they puke on your shoes

Aquarius: super weird, super hilarious, does a whole lot of stupid shit

Pisces: huge and nice, flirtatious, then gets really sad or possibly angry

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora