Signs As Natural Phenomenons

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Signs as a natural phenomenon:

Aries: Volcano: unpredictable, violent and explosive

Taurus: Earthquake: destabilizing, powerful and releases tons of energy

Gemini: Whirlwind: short lived, not to destructive, but exiting

Cancer: Tsunami: overbearing as can bring ruin

Leo: Wildfire: contagious, fast-moving and difficult to stop

Virgo: Fog: even, misty and conditional

Libra: Monsoon: unpredictable and unbalanced

Scorpio: Thunderstorm: powerful, dark and destructive

Sagittarius: Tornado: short lived bursts of energy

Capricorn: Blizzard: cold and unrelenting

Aquarius: Aurora Borealis: mystical, rare and phenomenal

Pisces: Sunrise: symbol of new beginning

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