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I feel so tired

So sore

Everything hurts

I still can't believe he made us do that

Sneaky little piece of crap

I can't believe our gym teacher made us do 500 freaking push-ups.

Currently I'm walking, well limping to the one place where I can

Sweat covered my body head to toe as I try to walk up the porch. Like seriously??? Why would you make anyone do 500 push-ups and make them run 10 laps across a motherfing football field.

People are so cruel these days.

Finally walking up to the door of my amazingly awesome house which will bring me the comfort and rest that I need. I put my hand in my bag to get my keys.

Until I felt something dripping from down under...

Panic rose in me as I quickly got my keys and opened my door, leave my shoes there while quickly running to my bathroom in my bed.

Please tell me I have spare underwear here and a pad.

I don't wanna wear a tampon right now...actually not ever. Those things look so...uhhhhh I shivered from the thought of putting that crap under there.

I quickly looked in my cabinet while on the toilet for underwear and a pad.

I couldn't find any thing.


But then, something weird happened.

A pad and underwear randomly slid down the door to my bathroom from my bed room. Since my toilet is literally right next to the door I can easily get the things from there.

Who gave it though?

Meh. I don't really care.

I then too the stuff put it on and did my hygiene crap that I always do when I go home from school and went outside to thank whoever got me my stuff thinking it was Angelica.

When I went outside the door, my eyes went wide as my mouth went open. Then,

I screamed.


I was walking home from school.

Damn. My arms hurt from PE. Stupid Gym teacher.

Knowing my house was just a few houses to Cath's, I decided to pay her a visit.

Besides, I wanna play her video games. She had a lot of them.

As I was walking to her house which I must say, was a huge as mansion. I saw dark silhouettes of people opening the door to their house. They were all guys.

Curiously I waited here for them to go in before I went in.

As I was hiding, one guy turned his head while he was sniffing something. Oh no, they know I'm in here. I then went behind the large couch with a compartment in it that me and Cath used to play in. I closed the compartment.

Why would there be random guys in her house?


Nah that is way off probably.

Once I heard it became silent, I opened the compartment and slowly crawled out of it and then closed it. Only to feel a hard thing bang into my head, as darkness consumed me.


What I saw before me shocked me.

John was tied to a chair in the middle of my room while three big guys dressed in black were around him with guns.

What the actual hell was this?!

My eyes were wide and my jaw hanging as I carefully backed away but bumped into a hard rock chest. I gasped but quickly put my hand up my hand to stop me from doing anything I would regret later.

I looked up to the person that I accidentally bumps trying to get away from the three guys who were backwards from me and saw grey eyes. Just grey eyes. I couldn't see anything else because it was all covered in a black mask. His eyes were a beautiful shade of grey. Not too light but not to dark as well. The perfect shade. His eyes were looking down at me considering that I'm probably a foot or more shorter than this guy. He was looking at me with anger, but there was something else. It looked like...


Is he finding this funny? I then looked at him with pure anger as I tried to get away from him. But I can't. His hands were all around my waist keeping me from getting away.

What the hell is going on?!

After a few minutes of struggling to get away from him. I gave up knowing it was no use anyways. I turned around to see my friend still unconscious in his seat as the guys were still guarding him with guns.

Wait... I'm so confused. The guy's grip was less now so I managed to just go down and sit on the floor while I'm trying to suck in the sight I was seeing.

One of my best friends was in a chair unconscious with his arms and legs tied up while three extremely bulky men were around him with guns as if waiting for someone to attach from my bed room window while I am in front of another one of these males sitting down on his foot               
confused as to why these random people are here in my bedroom.

Sighing drastically I got up from where I was sitting and walked out of my bedroom down the long stairs into the kitchen grabbed some milk while I drunk it down completely going out of the kitchen and up the long stairs back to my bedroom and sat on the guy's foot again.

I really needed some milk.

As if finally noticing me the guys that were around josh looked at me dumbfounded with the guy I was sitting on. I looked up to the three and raised my eyebrows (seeing as I can't raise just one) and they went back to john while the guy I was sitting on still looked at me with a straight face trying to absorb what I just did.

I then sighed again and exited my room went down the long stairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed to glasses of milk and exiting the kitchen going back up the long stairs and went to my bedroom sat down on the guy's foot and gave him the other glass of milk while I was drinking my own.

The guy then looked at the glass I gave him and then down at me as he then put the glass in my desk and looked at me with a glare while saying: "Get away from my foot." I then rolled my eyes stood up from his foot and sat down on my bed.

As I finished the glass of milk, I looked up at all of them with a deathly glare of my own as I got my ak47 gun from under my bed and pointed it at the guy who told me to get of of his foot as I said to all of them with a voice so deep,

"What are you doing in my territory without my permission?"

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