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My head hurts so much. I tried to open my eyes but it was like they were glued shut.

But that was before I felt someone slapped me right in my poor soft right cheek.

"I know youre awake boy." said a very deep and groggy voice. I then sighed and opened my eyes to see quite a sight infront of me.

Cath was holding two guns and one was pointed to a guy in all black while one was pointed to...


After that I felt something knock on my head from behind and passed out.



I was holding the gun up to the guy that I was sitting on.

That sounded wrong.

Anyways, I was holding the gun up at him when I heard shuffling beside me and saw in the corner of my eye that the three idiots that this guy brought with him were trying to position their guns to shoot at me. I rolled my eyes at their failed attempt seeing that they looked scared that I could blow their boss' head of at any moment now.

Sighing to myself, I opened my drawer and pulled out another AK-47 and pointed it at them while yawning at boredom, these guys are weaker than a freaking centipede.

''Once you guys are done with trying to kill me I would Iike to ask what the hell you're doing in my territory." I said to them in a calm but cold voice. No one should mess with my property.

The three idiots then stopped fumbling with their guns and looked at me like I was a ghost or something when I heard something, kinda like a slap.

I looked at John and to my displeasure saw that Mr. Chair slapped him. Wow, he is fast if he got away from me that quickly.

I then pointed my gun at him. how dare he trespass in my territory and hurt one of my people?! Just when I was about to shoot him he said "I know you're awake boy."

John then opened his eyes and instantly looked at me about to kill 4 people infront of him, I thought his eyes were gonna pop out cause his eyes were so big.

But of course idiot #1 just had to hit him in the head didn't he?

I then glared at the guy who dared to hurt my bestfriend and shot him in the leg. He started cursing out loud and whining about his 'oh so perfect leg' while jumping up and down. Scattering blood in my carpet floor. Just when I was about to shoot his other leg someone grabbed both of my wrists preventing me from shooting that damn person. Out of reflex I got out of his hold and kicked his groin making him fall to the ground whimpering slightly.

"Give me one good reason on why I shouldn't kill you right now, right here." I said to him while pointing my gun directly on his head. One pull on this trigger will kill him instantly.

When he wasn't answering me at all. I gave him a countdown until I killed him and his minions.




Just when I was about to shoot this idiot and his other idiot friends, he said something that completely shocked me.

"Your father sent us here to go back home."

I lowered down my gun and tried to process what he just told me.

My father? I thought he died 10 years ago?

I felt anger bubble up inside of me and turned to one of his minions and shot him in the leg as well out of anger. Again, this guy did what idiot #1 did and started cussing  profanities while clutching his shot leg. Well at least he didn't get blood everywhere. I then felt something sharp go to my neck and someone say. "Stop hurting my servants Catherine, then ill tell you what were doing here."

I then sighed and put down my two guns back in my drawer and sat down on my bed with crossed legs. Mr. Chair then put his weapons on the floor and ordered his minions to do the same. When they were finally done with disarming their guns and putting them down, Mr. Chair sat down on my bed. I then glared at him and said, "You dont have the right to sit down on my bed or sit anywhere that is mine." and kicked him out of the bed causing him to fall straight face down to the floor while his minions were snickering to themselves quietly. I then gave them a deathly glare causing them to shut up.

When he finally got up from the floor he glared at me and mumbled a "fine." while crossing his arms to his chest.

"Okay then, lets start now shall we? First you all have to take of your masks so I can track you all down incase you try to do something fishy." I ordered them. The three then looked at each other then looked at their boss to see if hes okay with them taking their masks of. Mr. Chair then nodded towards them and said "Go."

Once the minions took of their masks I took in their faces and tried to memorise them in my head.

Idiot #1 has light blue eyes and shaggy long brown hair with blonde highlights that was tied back into a bun. He had reddish purple lips which is probably caused by too much smoking. His nose was crooked probably because of how many punches it had.He was also a golden tan, kind of like in a goldish brownish colour. He is pretty tall as well with what looks like a good 6'2, but looks the most untrained because compared to #2 and #3, he had less muscles. He looked attractive dont get me wrong, but I am completely unattracted by his stupidity when it comes to guns.

Idiot #2 looks the most attractive out of them three. He had amazing blue eyes that were perfectly shaped, which were honestly the first thing I noticed about him. He had light blue hair that had brown hair showing in the roots. He had a tan, but just slightly. His lips were plump and pink, looks like he doesn't smoke unlike #1 over on his left. He honestly looks like the most trained out of the three because of his lean and muscular body coming up to about a 6'3. He looks good, enough.

Idiot #3 looks way different than the other two. His red plump lips held a grin as his hazel eyes held mischief in them. His hair was a shaggy blonde that stopped just above his eyes. He was slightly tanned, not like the other two but he was definitely the tallest with what looked like a good 6'4. his arms were behind his back as he stood up straight looking like a kid waiting for a prize from his teacher. I then smiled to myself at him thinking that he did a good job at not being shot unlike the other two. So far, this one was my favourite.

"Hey boss, shouldnt you take off your mask too?" said #3 in a childishly mocking voice. Mr. Chair then glared at him as he said "No." in a growling voice. I then looked at him directly in the eye as i said "Yes the hell you are."

He then grumbled a "fine." and slowly took of his mask to show his face.

Mr. Chair had dark brown hair that kinda looks like black, it was really messy and ended just above his eye. He had beautiful grey eyes that went well with his perfectly tanned skin tone. He had purple pink lips that clearly showed that he also smoked making me groan internally. He had a towering height of i believe a 6'5. He looked very trained considering that I could see his muscles from his clothes. He looked attractive, but he's just not my type.

I then looked at them all together and smiled and said,

"Now tell me your names."

My King Of RoyaltyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin