Chapter 26: Soppy Hearts

Start from the beginning

 “You ran here?”

“I—uh, well, there was a swollen traffic near the office and it was getting late,” he nervously stuttered, thing that made me feel more confident in my chose of words. “But I’m here, now… what was it that you wanted to tell me.”

“Who says that I have to tell you something?” I grinned up at him as his face became paler and his cheeks flushed.

“Oh, well, then, if that’s the case then I have nothing to do here—plus, it’s freezing cold,” he flashed a sarcastic smile and spun on his heels to walk away; but I had to stop him.

“It’s Octember, Boba.”

Andrew tilted his head in confusion and rotated back around to step closer to me. “What?”

“You remember when we became best friends and I told you I was going to fall for you in Octember?”

His eyes dazed off for a second until his frown softened into a foolish grin. “Y-yeah!” he almost shouted.

I looked down at the picture I held before stretching it out to him, “I stole it from you when you left a year ago.”

Andrew slowly grasped the picture of him with the grinning couple and his smirk was so big I thought it hurt him. “Why?”

Looking at the swings, I inhaled in to tell him something he might use to mock me for the rest of my life. “When you left, that was the only thing that made me smile. You were right… I missed you.”

He crossed his arms around his strong chest and arched up an eyebrow. “Okay,” he said awkwardly, but I knew he was enjoying this—his smirk was proof of it. Teasingly, he motioned me to carry on.

“I-I think I fell for you, Boba,” I confessed. His other brow joined its twin in an arched position as his cheeks glowed and the tip of his nose flushed from the harsh weather. “Correction—I fell for you. Because stopping you was the hardest thing I did in my life.”

Yes, stopping him in the make-out session we had, was the hardest thing I did. And I’d make sure to never stop it again. Not as long as I am alive and Andrew’s with me.

Suddenly, Andrew stepped even closer while the dusts whirled at his command—making him more attractive at the second. I wanted him—let me be selfish for a second and have you, Boba, please. Andrew Lukewood was any woman’s dream in flesh. And I was the only stupid one to not notice his charming and cute exquisiteness…until now.

His cheeks were chiseled like a finely-carved Michelangelo statue. His nose was perfectly symmetrical. His lips were slightly full: the kind that end in a cute little smirk at the corners. And the rays of the streetlights highlighted the dimples in his cheeks, melting my yearning senses to his feet.

A painful flicker on my temple brought me back from my contemplation. “Ouch! What was that for?” I snapped at him, slowly yet unwillingly glaring at him.

“Itsy bitsy stupid little spider, Riley,” he huskily said as he flickered my forehead again, a teasing and tempting smile dangled from his mouth.

My glare softened into louds chuckles of bliss as I tried to turn serious.  Abruptly, Andrew turned grave and I couldn’t help but smile a sheepish cheeky beam. His hand slowly reached out for mine and he gently placed it on his chest, flattening my palm on top of his robust sternum.

“Can you feel it?”

I felt the erratic beating heart that drummed with power and as it was meant to be, mine joined his beating, cavorting together in unity. Docilely, I nodded at him, trying to hide from his scrutinizing and consuming gaze.

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