Chapter 21

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Levi's head jerked south as a scream sounded across the water. Yelling to his crew, the sails rattled up the mast and the ship glided into motion. The light pirate ship had been easily following the slave ship for the last two days, staying just over the horizon. Now, fortune favored them as a steady wind blew south. The large hulled, dark ship came into view quickly. They sped forward.

Still shouting orders, Levi rushed towards the aft. Standing by the helmsman at the wheel, he watched the preparation of the cannons. They fired as soon as they were in range. Levi touched his lips briefly. He had a sinking suspicion Carmen needed him. Whether she thought she did or not.

* * *

The navy ship made good time south, and were at the west coast of France by two days after deployment. Sam hauled on a line, helping tighten the sail. He was just tying off the end as a shout sounded from the crow's nest. "Ships ahead! Beat to quarters!"

There was a sudden flurry of activity on deck, men running about, fastening sword belts, loading muskets, and pulling on shoes. By the time they reached the scene of the battle, it seemed to be in full force. A dark hulled slave ship battling a fast looking ship, flying a black flag. As men stood by the port side of the ship, ready to board the slave ship, they muttered among themselves, thinking this was a strange turn of events. Normally pirates and slave traders worked together. Or at least tolerated each other. All Sam could think was that this would be exactly the type of mess his Carma would get into. He loosened his sword in it's scabbard and checked his musket. He would be the first to find her. He would get her to safety. Even if it meant dying.

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