Chapter 14

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A clang sounded behind her, followed by a sharp intake of breath and soft curse. Carmen spun around. She could see no one at first, but then a man moved around a stack of crates. Seeing Carmen he motioned for her to come. "Hey, boy. Grab a box and get it on board. Stop waiting around for the ship to sail and pull your weight!"

He had a gruff cockney londoner accent that made her feel inadequate, like she needed to work harder, even though she didn't even work for him. He placed a large box in her arms. She grunted and shrugged mentally as she carried it up the gangplank. Going back for another box she passed the man from earlier. He nodded in her direction and set down his crate. He stuck out a dirty and rope burned hand for her to shake. "Levi Vaughn. Captain of this fine vessel. Sorry 'bout earlier. Thought you were part of the crew."

He paused. "Why not? I could use an extra pair of hands on deck. Welcome aboard, boy, if you like."

He handed her the box and went back for another, joining her to place the cargo on board. "What you call yourself?"

Still surprised by the quick offer, Carmen had yet to think of a name. "Car-Cameron. And I've worked on ships before. I can handle the ropes, and climb the rigging higher than most."

Levi nodded. "I could tell. Your hands don't belong to a scholar."

He hollered across the decks as the last of the cargo was loaded. "Prepare to weigh anchor, boys!"

The oars clattered out and the gang plank was raised as the heavy ropes were untied from the dock. They were tossed to waiting sailors and heaved over the edge of the ship, and neatly coiled them on the deck.

As soon as they cleared the harbor the sail was raised and they set off to the south. Carmen was kept busy for hours, hauling lines, swabbing deck, anything Levi could think of.

As soon as land was out of sight Levi put a hand on her shoulder. "Cameron. Watch."

He hollered to the crew, and the flag descended the mast. Replaced by a black flag, clanking to the top. The hand on Carmen's shoulder tightened and she was stopped from turning around. "Don't speak. Just listen."

Carmen interrupted as he took a breath. "I'm not complaining. I was just going to say something about how I keep ending up on pirate ships."

The hand left her shoulder. Levi came around to the front and crouched down slightly so he was eye level with her. "What? What ship?"


She realized her mistake much too late. He straightened. " The Siren? But-"

He stopped short and reached up, yanking off her hat. Her hair tumbled down. She brought her hand to her head in panic, but Levi's response was the opposite of what she had expected. "Well! Ain't this a surprise!" He smiled. "Back to work, sailor."

The Pirate and the Soldier BoyWhere stories live. Discover now