Chapter 17

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The next week passed slowly. With the wind against them almost constantly, the ship made little progress. But by the end of the week this bothered Carmen less than she would be willing to admit. Come Saturday they were nearing the west coast of France, after having sat several days with no wind at all. Carmen sat wrapped in her jacket, cold from the sudden gust that blew open the collar. "You sure about this plan, Carmen?"

Levi's chest beneath her ear vibrated as he spoke. She lifted her head and kissed the stubble on his cheek. "Of course I'm sure. I can't have your crew getting too involved. It would end up a bloody mess on the slavers deck." She turned more so she was facing him and gave him a brief kiss on the corner of his mouth. "And what if you got hurt? What then?"

The ship tilted as they rounded a cape, and suddenly the dark toned ship came into view. It sat in the water, waiting for them. Carmen stood up in front of Levi. She tore the hem of her shirt off and tied it around a cut on her upper arm she had received while practicing sword play. She had allowed it to bleed for several hours, much to Levi's chagrin. She could only guess his reaction if she told him she had let her guard slip deliberately. She tied off the knot with her teeth and looked up at Levi. "I'm ready."

He shook his head. "There has got to be another way."

"There isn't."

Though she was prepared, the fist on her left cheek startled her and threw her against the deck. She stood up before Levi could help her. "Thanks."

Seeing his distraught expression, she sighed and put her arms around his neck. "How am I supposed to pass as a captured slave if I look like you treasure me?"

His response didn't surprise Carmen, as she had been hearing similar things for the past week, but it still sent a warm shiver through her spine. "But I do treasure you."

He bent down and kissed her softly before embracing her in a tight hug and swinging her around in a circle before placing her back on the deck. He didn't let go, however, until they were close enough that the other ship would have been able to see them clearly on deck. He just held her head close against his chest until one of his sailors tapped his shoulder and handed him a length of rope and chain.

Levi walked behind Carmen and carefully tied her hands in the rope, making sure she wasn't hurt. She sighed and shook it off. "That was an awful attempt. Try harder, Vaughn."

When his second attempt failed she yanked the rope from his hands and walked over to the sailor who had handed Levi the rope and returned it. She turned around and lifted her hands behind her back. He reluctantly tied it, but Carmen was relieved when it started to pinch her circulation slightly and the rough fibers of the rope started to rub against her wrists. She shot instructions over her shoulder to the sailor. "Tie a loop around my neck, with the rest hanging loose like a lead. And then fetch another piece and tie my feet with just enough room to shuffle between ships."

As he finished this task they drew alongside the imposing ship. Levi took the lead around her neck. He had a look of determination written in stone on his face, and it was shown in the fact that he was no longer gentle. He tugged at the lead, moving to the edge of the ship. Carmen stumbled, and then fell as her ankles caught in the rope. Without her hands to catch her, her face hit the floor boards, right where Levi had struck her. As involuntary tears came to her eyes she smiled into the floor boards.

As a gang plank was raised to connect the ships, Levi dragged Carmen across the gap. She kept her eyes on her feet and let the tears of pain roll down her face instead of sniffing them back. Most of what was said she didn't listen to. Ten minutes later her rope lead was taken by the captain of the slave ship. Marched far into the hold she was chained between two figures

Finally looking up as the door slammed shut, she saw that one cowered and one sat straight. The didn't recognize the cowering figure, but the other woman, was very familiar. Tall, proud, with an upturned nose, and blonde hair, although it was now colored with blood and grime. Carmen whispered carefully. "Jenna?"

Her captain and friend looked sideways at her and smiled smugly. "Hey, kid. What an unlikely coincidence."

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