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Sam and Dean woke up tied to two of the pillars in the Arrow cave.

Dean: Sammy you ok?

Sam: yeah.

John, Felicity, Thea, Rene, Curtis, Evelyn and Rory stood in front of them.

Dean: Umm Hi.

John: Who are you?

Dean: Were FBI. And you just assaulted two federal agents.

Felicity: Really? Because we found like six different sets of badges in your pockets.

Agents Ackles and Padalecki

Agents Stark and Banner

Agents Bett and Rickards

Agents Peter and Parker

Agents Amell and Gustin

Agents John and Wick.

Thea: Wow.

Dean: Ok, look I know this looks odd but on your part you did knock us out and brought us down to your Sex torture dungeon.

Curtis: Actually it's a bunker.

Everyone glared at Curtis.

Curtis: Sorry.

Sam: Who are you?

John: Doesn't matter who we are. What were you doing in the office?

Dean: We can't tell you that either.

John: Then we seem to have problem.

Dean: Yeah.

John and Dean glared at each other. Sam couldn't help but look at Felicity.

Sam: Wait, I know you.

Felicity: What? No you don't! Who are you? I definitely don't know you!

Sam: Wait a minute, Felicity?

Felicity's eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.

Thea: You know these guys?

Felicity: What? No!

Dean: Wait as in Felicity? "That" Felicity?

Sam: I think so.

Dean started to laugh. uncontrollably laugh.

Rene: Something funny?

Dean: Yeah, You really don't know! Felicity here was Sam's "First" time Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! That is hilarious! Oh God!

Sam and Felicity's faces began to light up bright red.

Felicity: Look it was ten years ago in Stanford University when I was doing an IT course there ok and it was one night. Then you and Jess got together right?

Sam: Yeah we did.

Dean eventually stopped laughing.

John Constantine walked through the door into the base.

Constantine: Sorry I'm late I was having a chat with an angel.

John: Thanks for coming.

Constantine: Oh no bother at all mate, Oliver is a friend. Now who are these two flannel wearing guys.

Sam and Dean looked at each other.

Dean: Did you just say you were having a chat with an angel.

Sam: Who are you?

Constantine: John Constantine, Exorcist, Demonologist and occasional dabbler in the dark arts. I basically deal with things your worst nightmares couldn't even dream up.

Sam and Dean looked at each other confused.

Dean: So you Hunt demons and you know angels and monsters and that sort of stuff.

Constantine: I've even been to hell.

Dean: And you seriously don't know who we are?

Constantine: Do I owe you money?

Sam and Dean looked at each other again in confusion before turning back to Constantine.

Sam: We're The Freakin Winchesters.

Dean: How have you not heard of us. We literally do what you do?

Sam: We've both been to hell.

Dean: I killed Death.

Sam: We hunt demons and monsters.

Dean: Our best friend is an angel.

Constantine: Who?

Dean: Castiel.

Constantine: Castiel?

Dean: Seriously?

Sam: Ok, Look we are not the bad guys, we got a call about a killing that came into our interests and we came here. There was a lot of Electro Magnetic Force coming from this place.

Constantine: That's because magical object.

Sam: Don't believe us there's a EMF detector in my pocket.

Dean: And there's a demon killing knife in mine.

Sam: Trust us we are not the enemy.

John and Felicity went up stairs to the office.

John: What do you say, do we trust them? After all you did lose your..you know.

Felicity: Yeah don't remind me. Look we'll get a bit more from these guys and if we can trust them then maybe they can help us find Oliver. But for starters we have Constantine and I think we know two other people who can help us.

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